Chapter 1- Just a Walk in the Park

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Nialls Pov.

"Come on man, you need to go out! Sitting around moping over Danielle isn't going to do anything!"

It had been 1 month since their break-up, and Liam has been a complete wreck. The break-up actually ended very neatly. They had both decided that with the upcoming 2013 tour, and the fact that Liam was going to be gone a lot, that there was really no point in them staying together. Now of course there's more to the story, but we haven't been able to get it out of him. He's just secluded himself in his room and only come out when absolutely necessary. He even got a buzz cut. Surprise, surprise...Liam's luscious locks are gone.

The lads and I were running out of options, we had to get him back on his feet soon. I mean sure, Liam was going to interviews and promotions and such, but deep down he was still hurt- besides he doesn't go outside, or out partying unless he has to. People are going to start getting suspicious (a.k.a the press).

"Liam, you need to get out. Just 5 minutes okay? That's all we're asking, 5 measly minutes." Zayn was still trying to reason with him, and obviously not making much progress.

We had managed to get Liam's door unlocked and were now standing in his room, surrounding him while he lay face down on his bed. Liam made an incoherent sound.

"What was that Liam?" Louis had mockingly put a hand up to his ear and leaned in. All of sudden Liam leaped out of bed, Lou almost had a heart attack he screamed so loud. "AGH!" the rest of us were only mildly amused while Louis just kept dramatically running around the room. My attention eventually trickled back towards Liam who was now lacing up his shoes.

Wait. What?

I nudged Zayn and nonchalantly pointed at Liam. His eyes got real big as he realized what he was doing. We'd done it! We had convinced him to go for a walk with us! It took every fiber in my being not to start jumping with joy. Liam slowly stood up and faced us.

"5 minutes, thats it. Then you have to leave me alone." we all readily agreed and rushed out of the room to grab our shoes.

Liam's Pov

It was early September and quite chilly. There were brightly colored leaves on the ground with a light layer of dew still hanging in the air. The sun was shining brightly and the skies were clear- very rare. It was early in the morning, 8:30. We were hoping to avoid fans. Don't get me wrong, they're great, but sometimes we just need normal people time....its like they don't understand that.

So here we are walking down the side walk way too early in the morning, all because of me. I had my hands shoved deep in my jeans pockets, the material doing very little to keep back to nippy wind. My head was feeling unusual cold, and it took me a couple moments to remember that a lot of my hair was cut off. It was extremely obvious that the rest of the guys were feeling wind whip through their clothes too, but nobody wanted to say anything because they finally had me outside.

It was nonverbally decided that we would walk through the park instead of continuing to walk down the busy London streets.

Walking through the park we all just talked, like old times. Before One Direction had 8 million followers on twitter, before our first album was out, before Eleanor, Perrie, and...Danielle. For a while everything was normal.

None of us were really paying attention to where we were going, and it was pretty obvious that she wasn't either. The girl ran right into me and just barely avoided spilling her drink all over my jacket. She had straight red hair that she had in a side pony tail with a muliti-colored knitted cap pulled on over her hair. The matching scarf was tucked inside her green pea coat and her fingerless gray knitted gloves only seemed to be doing so much for her red fingers. Her left hand held her drink with the starbucks logo prominently displayed on the side. She had a brown indian satchel type thing slung over her head, resting on her left hip; with a black athletics bag hanging in the crook of her right elbow. She was absolutely gorgeous, her brown eyes shone apologetically as a sorry smile spread across her pale freckle splattered face.

"Gah, I should have been watching were I was going, sorry." she shrugged her shoulders, and worriedly looked at me.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't watching were I was going either." the guys heads spun towards me and just stared. Obviously suprised that I had spoken. The girl just laughed, and a genuine smile spread across her face.

"Trust me, you don't not want my chocolate milkshake down your shirt in this type of weather." her smile dimmed slightly and turned into a closed lipped teasing smile instead. I simply shook my head, a small smile making its way to my face as I opened my mouthed.

"Why are you drinking a milkshake at 8:30 in the morning when its 45 degrees outside!" she just nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders.

"Why not? My parents aren't here." Wait, does that me she's under 18? she must have seen the obvious puzzlement on my face because she continued. "Incase you didn't notice, I don't have british accent." she was right, it was obviously American. "My best friend and I have always wanted to get a flat here in London, so as soon as we graduted high school we moved here, it took a lot of paperwork." a content smile swept across her face and I was mesmerized listening to her talk. It was as if there was nobody else there, it was just me and this random girl I ran into...litterally. "We both currently work minimum wage, multiple jobs, go to college, live in really small apartment...and love it." all of a sudden the girls phone rang , she switched her drink to her right hand as her left one fumbled around in her satchel for the phone. Pulling it out, she pushed a button and held it up to her ear.

"Hello?" I saw her nodding her head, then it stopped as her face contorted into a very amused look. "First, did you just say 'One Erection'? Second, who names their band that? Third, do you know how many parks there are in London?" I heard someone next to me trying smother their laughter, that's when I remembered that the other guys were still here. I shot Harry a pissed off look, he just leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"That's us! We're the band that she's talking about!" she must have heard her friend wrong, I soon began to laugh as well. The girl looked at me kind of funny but continued on with her phone conversation. "OH! One DIRECTION, sorry." there was a pause as she shrugged her shoulders at us. "No! I'm not going to audition! I've never even heard of this band, Steph!" she rolled her eyes at the person on the other end of the line, not realizing that they can't see her. "Fine." she grumbled, the word just barely audible. She hangs up with the person on the other end then refocuses her attention on us.

"Sorry bout' that, but I gotta go, dance audition. " she waves good bye and hurries away, her gray ankle boots thudded against the sidewalk as she rushed away. As soon as she was out of sight I turned to the guys who were all curiously staring at me. Louis was the first one to speak.

"I like her." I all of a sudden got very angry, I don't even understand why. Lou looked at me then fearfully looked elsewhere. "Not like that! I have Eleanor, but she's nice is what I meant, and she had no idea who we were." I relaxed and nodded my head to what he was saying. Harry started randomly chuckling.

"I think someones got a school boy crushhhh!" I reached out my hand and playfully slapped him on the head. "I think I heard the words One Direction dance audition...shall we?" I smiled at the thought of seeing her again.I barely even noticed the guys exchanging looks, but what I didn't miss was Zayn's whisper, "Liam's back, Hallelujah."


This is my first One Direction yeah. Did you like it? Let me know what you think, vote, comment, fan..whatever(:


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