Chapter 1: Transportation

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-Third Person-

It was a lovely day at the Edge, The twins always creating havoc towards Snotlout, whose yell can be heard throughout the edge. Fishlegs on the other hand, is in his hut studying a small circular object that is made out of metal, they had found on an abandoned island. At the center of that object, it has a two arrows pointing at a different angles and there's another thin arrow which would rotate every once and a while.

Meanwhile, both Hiccup and Astrid are both having their own time packing at the clubhouse for their leave soon since Viggo, Ryker, Krogan and Johann are already dead. It is a surprise for all of them that Johann is evil after all, but luckily Hiccup find out about it. In only a few days left before they'll leave the edge for good and return to Berk. Though they still haven't destroyed the dragon eye yet, they will once they're leaving for Berk.

For now, the dragon eye along with the lenses is in Hiccup's saddle bag that Toothless always carry.

It was peaceful until they heard another painful shout coming from Snotlout.

"Do you think we should help Snotlout?" Astrid asked Hiccup who's been packing his inventions. He smiled at her before continuing what he's doing.

"Yeah, in a minute." Hiccup replied with a smirk on his face. Astrid snorted before laughing at Hiccup for being a goofball.

Meanwhile, the dragons, Toothless and Stormfly only watch their riders with happy smiles on their dragon faces, letting out a few gurgles, screeches and croons.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout suddenly barge inside the clubhouse, startling both Hiccup and Astrid, along with the dragons.

"Snotlout! Don't walk up to us like that!" Hiccup exclaimed. Both he and Astrid were glaring daggers at Snotlout. The said Viking was about to say something when the twins walked up, interrupting him.

"Hey, Hiccup, we might or might have not touched something important to you that we know it will get you angry." Ruffnut said with a slight nervous, while Tuffnut on the other hand, tried to keep himself from laughing. Hiccup only raised an eyebrow at the twins.

"Hiccup, The metal thing is broken!" Fishlegs suddenly exclaimed from the door with a panic voice, while showing him the object. Hiccup groaned in annoyance as he and Astrid stood up from their seat.

Astrid was about to scold the twins for touching things that they weren't suppose to touch, when the round metal thing started emitting bright purple light.

"What's happening?" Snotlout cried out in panic, as he tried to block out the light. They did not even noticed the clouds started getting darker then it would turn back into a blue sky then it would turn back again and vice versa, like the weather got reversed by itself.

"If something wrong happens, I'm blaming the twins!" Astrid shouted through their shouts, obviously panicking.

"Hey! We didn't know that thing will do that." Tuffnut protested as he pointed his finger at the object that's now floating in front of them.

"Okay, that thing is giving me the willies." Fishlegs said, nervously. His hands were shaking in fear.

Hiccup was about to response when suddenly, the object emitted in much more bright light as they all felt like they were absorb by it. The gangs dragons began whining in worry as their riders and themselves were magically transported back in the old days, along with the metal object. The last thing they heard was their panic shouts before they disappeared without a trace.



"Welcome to dragon training!" Gobber bellowed while opening the arena gates.

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