Chapter 5: Dragons

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After the raid, Dad started shouting orders at the villagers to clean off the messes the dragons had caused at the plaza. While that happened, me, Gobber, the young and future teens helped a little before heading off towards the great hall to explain everything to Dad, and to what I did earlier in the raid. As we entered, we saw Dad standing at the great hall doors with an expressionless face, which cause me to sigh before fully entering the hall without a word.

Before the doors were about to be close, we suddenly heard a high pitch screech of a terrible terror which cause us to turn around . . . Sharpshot! Does this mean that our dragons are here too?

Sharpshot made it through inside, which made me smile before stretching out my right arms to him to land on it. He immediately saw me, which cause him to fly towards at me as he settled himself in my arms while I gave him a scratch under his chin which causes him to purr.

"Hiccup, is that Sharpshot?" Fishlegs asked, his eyes widened in excitement when he saw the small dragon on my shoulder.

"Yes it is, Fishlegs." I replied with a smile.

"You named a dragon?" Young Astrid asked, incredulous.

"Well, we can't always just call him dragon, right?" I asked with a mischievous smirk that got young Astrid to look at me in surprise before composing herself again.

"Hiccup, terror mail!" Fishlegs squealed as he pointed his finger at the small dragon's right leg, which happens to have a rolled up paper on its leg.

"Terror mail?" Almost everyone in the hall asked except for the older version of the gang. I ignored them as me and Fishlegs wet into a table to read the message that was wrapped around Sharpshot's leg. But not Snotlout— he didn't ignored the attention that he got.

"Oh, it was my idea," Snotlout started. "We use a terrible terror as our message sender so to make it easier for us to send letters everywhere." He explained as best as he could while with a smirk playing on his lips. Fishlegs glared at him.

"Snotlout? Creating ideas in the future? That doesn't seem right." Young Fishlegs stated with his eyes narrowing at older Snotlout. Unfortunately, young Snotlout heard this and immediately grab young Fishlegs on the collar of his tunic.

"Hey! Got something wrong with me?" Young Snotlout snarled which cause young Fishlegs to whimper in fear.

"Hey, I thought Fishlegs is the one who invented terror mail." Ruffnut stated with a shrug. Older Snotlout's face flushed at the sudden statement of Ruffnut which causes him to look at the twins murderously.

"Huh, Fishlegs was right." Young Astrid said with a smirk at both Snotlouts with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Gang, they're here and they're coming." I said with a huge smile on my face as I faced them with the letter in my hand. All of the older teens' eyes widened before a huge grin came across their faces when they got my statement.

"You mean Astrid and the dra—"Tuffnut started but was immediately cut off when Snotlout clapped his hand on Tuff's mouth to silent him.

"I need you to stop talking." Snotlout hissed with a glare which immediately receive a nod from the male twin.

"Wait! Who's coming?" Dad asked, confused. I saw how he gave Gobber a look who only shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Astrid and my younger self— Hiccup." I said as I started writing something on a piece of paper then rolled it up and put it on the terrible terror's leg before the said small dragon took off.

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