Chapter 3: Dragon Raid

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"Good luck with the raid." Hiccup said, slightly turning around before walking out. By what he said, my eyes widened in realization.

"Wait! Hiccup!" I called out but I was too late. He's already shutting the great hall doors. I groaned internally before sighing.

"Dragon Raid!" Suddenly we all heard a guard shouted just as he reach the doors to the great hall.

"Dragon Raid?" Tuffnut asked in confusion.

"Wait, You're still being raided by dragons?" Snotlout asked in surprised as he stared at the young people of Berk.

"Yes." A female Viking replied from the crowd.

"W-what day is today?" Fishlegs asked, slightly stuttering since it's been a while.

"It's our first day of Dragon Training." My younger self replied, slightly stepping out inside the crowd.

"What?" I muttered worriedly. "But the raid just happened two days ago?"

"Is it possible for the Red Death to get hungrier by a day?" Fishlegs asked confused as he gave his friends a look.

"Others such as elders and children that can't fight stay here. Men and women that can fight, grab your weapons." I heard Stoick ordered as the others obliged. Some grabbed a weapon and walked out the hall while others stayed here.

I was about to exit the hall when Fishlegs stopped me by grabbing my arm. "Where are you going?" He asked, confused.

"Go help the others. I'm going to look for Hiccup." I said, firmly before harshly pulling Fishlegs's hand on my arm and hurriedly ran off outside.

"Boar headed. Just like her boyfriend!" I heard Snotlout exclaimed while the twins snickered. I ignored them just as I closed the door and ran off into the center of the plaza, seeing dragons roaming around, stealing animals and food.

At the corner of someone's house, I saw Hiccup staring at the sky—or more like at the dragons, his sword— newly updated Inferno that lights itself on fire as a monstrous nightmare wrapped itself on the blade then with one click, the gronkle iron blade will ignite on fire, then at the other tip of his handle had a mouth of a dragon which release a zippleback gas and with one click, it will cause an explosion, He held it in his left hand except he hasn't yet activated the blade. Once I saw him, I immediately ran into him, my axe in my hand just in case.

"Hiccup!" I called which cause him to turn around as he saw me running towards him.

"Astrid? What are you doing here?" Hiccup asked, worriedly as he took hold both of my arms.

"The real question is what are you doing here? You know there's a raid." I said, slightly panting then gestured my hands towards the raid that's happening right now to emphasize my point.

"I know. That's why I'm here. I will try something to stop the raid." Hiccup said while staring at the raid. My eyes widened in surprised by what he said.

"What!" I cried out as he cringed at my voice. "I need to try." He added. I stared at him in disbelief before sighing in defeat. He smiled gratefully at me which cause me to give him a slight smile.

"Okay. I'll support you." I said, before looking threateningly at him."But if you die, I will literally bring back your soul into your body and kill you myself."

Then suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped itself around my thin waist, bringing me into a hug.

"Thank you." He whispered in my ears. I smiled at this before wrapping my arms around his middle, returning him the hug.

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