Chapter 2: Future to Past

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"Hiccup?" Dad whispered, clearly confused while the others are staring at us in disbelief. I nodded my head at him, and I swear I could my younger self gasp.

"Wha-? When? How?" Gobber suddenly stuttered out in shock while pointing his hook at me and younger Hiccup, back and fort.

"We don't even know." Astrid replied solemnly. I swear I could hear young Snotlout muttered a "Whoa!" while staring at my Astrid.

"We need to talk. Great Hall. Now." Dad said, sternly as he exited the arena, leaving us with Gobber and our younger self, staring at each other before me and Astrid followed him, while holding hands. We both receive a lot of disbelief looks, but we ignored it.

"Uh, Dad? I- I'm kind of busy at the- um, the forge, s-so I gotta skip." My younger self said, or more like made himself a terrible excuse.

"Am I that terrible at making excuses?" I whispered at Astrid who snorted before nodding her head. I sigh before I face palmed myself.

"Nonsense! You have to come with us!" I heard Dad shouted from outside the arena. My younger self sigh, while Astrid patted my shoulder with a look of sympathy.

"Come on, gang. To the great hall." I ordered which they all obliged.


Everyone, and I say, everyone on Berk are here at the great hall after hearing that me and the gang at the future are suddenly transported here in past. The news immediately spread out like wild fire. Almost everyone here are muttering and whispering while staring at us, but we paid them no attention except for Snotlout who started bragging about something he has done in the future that clearly, he hasn't really done anything.

Right now, the gang and I are sitting on a vacant table while dad, Gobber and our younger selves are sitting across us. Though before Dad started talking, he suddenly took his axe and put it on the tabletop. I did the same since it is one of the rules here on Berk, a rule where a chief or the heir of the tribe must disarm themselves as a sign that you're talking peacefully and would like to avoid a fight. Dad seems surprise about it but just shrugged it off.

"So, you claim to be my son, but in the future?" Dad asked, eyes narrowing while staring at mine and Astrid's intertwined hands then at us.

"Yes." I said, calmly. Dad only nodded his head.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" He asked asked again which made me almost tempted to roll my eyes.

"We have a lot of proof to show you if you want to see them all," I replied flatly. "We won't hesitate to show it here."

"How can you be Hiccup in the future if he's a twig like that?" Younger Snotlout asked, referring to my younger Self at the corner. "You should be like me."

"Babe, you better hold me tight, because if I can't contain myself, younger Snotlout better be running right now." Astrid snarled at both Snotlout with a death glare, while I grabbed both her forearms as I firmly hold unto her.

"Calm down, Milady." I said, which she obliged but still glared at both Snotlouts.

"Babe?" Young Fishlegs asked.

"Milady?" Dad added in confusion.

"Wait! Why are you looking at me? He's the one who said it." Snotlout protested as he gestured towards his younger self, who scoff at him.

"Technically, you're both the same, just not the right time." Fishlegs stated in a matter of factly.

"Shut it, Fishface." Snotlout grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.

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