Chapter 7: Dragon Training

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So, I have discovered that I accidentally didn't published chapter 7 when I thought I have. Luckily, someone pointed it out when he/she noticed that Hiccup's POV became Henry's POV. So, without further ado, here's chapter 7



I woke up early in the morning, confused to see myself sleeping in the cove with the gang. Astrid slept beside me with Stormfly near her rider, Snotlout was on the far end on the cove with Hookfang, Fishlegs slept peacefully with Meatlug licking his feet, which I think is gross, while the twins are punching each other even if they're asleep.

I sigh before slowly getting up, only to have Toothless stir his body before blinking his eyes open. I gave him a pat on the head on which he purred in response. That was when I noticed another dragon on the other side of the cove, still sleeping. I took a look closer on it to see another Toothless. That was when my eyes widened in realization and everything that happened last night came back to me in a blinked of an eye.

"It's good to know that we're still in the past..." I muttered to Toothless who huff in response. That was when Astrid slowly woke up with a groan. I then immediately went beside her in an instant.


"Good Morning," Then I gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Wait, why are we in the cove?" She asked, confused.

"You don't remember what happened?" I asked softly. There was a pause before Astrid looked up at me with wide eyes while I nodded at her.

"I thought it was a dream." Astrid yelled-whispered which made me grimace at the tone of her voice. She seems to be annoyed at it.

"And I thought we were already back at the Edge." I replied sarcastically with an annoyed sigh. Astrid did her best to comfort me, which slightly worked.

"Let's wake the others up." Astrid suggested.

I nod my head and gave Toothless a hand signal on which the dragon obeyed and not a second, he gave out a loud roar that I think woke up almost everyone at the village. Even the young Toothless jumped in surprise before growling at his counterpart.

Fishlegs shouts in surprise. "I'm up! I'm up!"

"Seriously Hiccup?!" Snotlout shouted as he rubbed his eyes to take away the sleepiness. "Don't you know the meaning of beauty sleep? And what are you doing in my hut?" That was when he finally opened his eyes to see himself and the others at the cove with their dragon.

"Wait, this isn't my hut." Snotlout said until realization dawn in his whole features. "Oh, right." he deadpan.

"Awesome! My ears are still ringing!" Ruffnut suddenly shouts as she woke up, while her brother looked confused.

"What?" Tuffnut shouts.

"What? I can't hear you!"

"What? Yaks starts eating stew?!"

"What? Your hands stuck in your smelly shoe?!"

"Oh, will you two quit it!?" I shouted and glared at the twins who stared back at me with confuse looks.

"What? Snotlout had it?" The twins both shouted, which cause us to flinch.

"This is hopeless," Astrid muttered. "They're hopeless!"

"Come on, gang lets head back to the village. And if we're lucky to catch up with dad on his trip to find dragon island, we have to try and convince him not to go." I stated firmly as the others nodded and mounted up their dragons.

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