Chapter 4: Secret Cove

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-Third person-

As the raid is still happening, Astrid kept running into the forest just to reach the secret cove only she and Hiccup knew. Along the way, she did a few moves, like ducking and jumping into various trees to avoid getting hit by a tree branch and a few trees that rested on the ground. Surely she hadn't forgotten the way to the cove. Once she saw a big boulder, she went behind it and finally saw the small entrance of the secret cove.

As she entered, she saw herself smiling when she saw two medium sized boulders with a shield stuck at middle. She crouched down for a second, her hands on her knees as she panted for air before she stood straight and slowly— or more like cautiously walked inside the cove, being aware not to scared the young Hiccup if he's at the cove right now.

When Astrid entered, she saw nothing but the clear green grass and a few that seemed to be burned by someone. She looked around as she saw a few burn marks and a few dragon scratches on the trees everywhere. Now she was sure that Toothless is here— well the younger one but she knew this happened before she met him by accident when they were fifteen.

"Toothless? Toothless!" Astrid called out. She receives nothing but the low gust of wind.

She carefully walked around until she just suddenly stopped. A low threatening growl was heard from behind her, which made her slightly flinch by the noise. She slowly turned around seeing a black dragon—a night fury, staring at her with slit eyes while crouching down behind a big boulder looking like he was about to pounce on his prey.

"Toothless?" Astrid asked, not clearly sure if this is the young Toothless or not. The said dragon seemed to be surprise and curious when Astrid called him in a name he hadn't hard before, though he doesn't even know her.

Astrid to step forward but them stopped when Toothless started growling at her, threateningly while staring at her axe. Astrid noticed this and immediately throws her axe away from her—very far away from her which cause for young Toothless to relax. His eyes turned big and adorable. Astrid smiled at this.

"See? I'm not going to hurt you." Astrid cooed as she slowly reach up her hand on Toothless who seemed to have a slight doubt but nonetheless let her touch his snout but only for a few seconds, though that still brought relief to Astrid.

"H-have you seen a few dragons in here or a boy that looked like a twig?" Astrid asked, slightly grimacing. Toothless narrowed his eyes at the question as Astrid noticed this.

"No!" Astrid immediately shook her head at Toothless. "No, I'm not going to hurt any of them. I promise." Astrid said

Young Toothless seemed to think of it for a moment before he nodded his head. The dragon swiftly jumped from the boulder and cautiously approaches Astrid before he started hitting his head from behind the blonde Viking, leading Astrid behind a big tree.

When they went behind it, a big smile twitched across Astrid's lips as she saw her dragon— Stormfly, laying on the ground with future Toothless and the other dragons while her eyes immediately caught sight of Hiccup who cautiously eyed the dragons while hiding at the corner, not letting the dragon dragons see him.

'He must be wondering why the dragons didn't attack him.' Astrid thought.

When they arrived, Toothless warbled letting someone know he's there.

"oh, you came back—"Hiccup was immediately cut short when he saw Toothless with future Astrid beside the said dragon.

At the sight of this, Hiccup's eyes widened and his jaw absentmindedly dropped to the ground in shock and nervous when he saw Astrid. He couldn't believe that the Astrid Hofferson is standing next to the Night Fury, and it didn't even try to hurt her.

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