Chapter 8: Causing Mischief

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"Fishlegs, before we somehow end up here at the past," Hiccup started which made everyone look at him in confusion. "Did you have that round metal with you?"

Fishlegs beamed. "Yeah, I kept it after I saw my younger self and knew things are different." He immediately reach his hand on one of his pockets and searched for the round weird looking metal. Then, he gave it to Hiccup who examined it.

"This weird thing. This thing is the one that brought back in time." Hiccup muttered, his eyebrows furrowing in deep concentration.

"If it did, Hiccup, we don't even know what that thing is." Astrid said as she put a hand his shoulder. "Remember, we only found it on that new island."

"Exactly." Hiccup agrees with a nod. "So, we need to know how it functions, what this arrows means and how it somehow brought us back to our past."

We are currently back at the cove where we began our small meeting about how we end up at the past and if you can imagine, only Astrid, Fishlegs and I are the only one who focused on the things that are happening while Snotlout and the twins are bored out of their mind.

"Yeah, you do that and we'll be over at the village." Tuffnut pointed at his sister and the village behind him. "This past needs to feel our chaos, and pranks or else it will never be Berk." Then hey ran off before I can even stop them.

Then our eyes went to Snotlout who stared back at us. "And what about you?"

"What about me?" He raised an eyebrow at us and crossed his arms, looking offended.

"Just leave if you want to leave!" Astrid exclaimed which made Snotlout grumbled and went to his dragon before they flew off. And at the sound of Astrid's voice, young Toothless seem to have woke up by her voice and grumbled.

"Sorry about that." And his only response was a low threatening growl.

While Fishlegs continue to talk and Astrid listening to half of what he's saying, I-- on the other hand, continue to stare at the round metallic object. And the more I stare at it, the more I see the details. I squinted my eyes when I saw something that the longer, more thick arrow is pointing. Wiping my hand on its corner, a layer of dust disappeared and I finally saw it.

"Guys?" Both turned their heads at me. "Look at this." I point my finger at it and suddenly Fishlegs gasps.

What the arrow is pointing is a number. A number that surrounds those three arrows. And the short, thin arrow next to it is pointing to another number. While the thinnest arrow continue to spin around it.

"What do you thing this means?" Astrid whispered.

"I think that its telling us something." Fishlegs immediately replied. "I mean, those two arrows are pointing to each different numbers. It must mean something."

"I need to get this to my old workshop at Gobber's and there I'll think of something to disconnect it maybe and try to know how this works." I stated firmly which made them both nod their heads in agreement.

"Alright, just don't overwork yourself about this." Astrid smiled slightly but her eyes laid all of her concerns. I nod my head at her and smiled.

Just then, we heard a twig snapped.

I smiled at that. "Just in time." I muttered and look up to see my younger self staring at us from above.

"Hey." I greeted. He waved back as I turn back my attention to Fishlegs and Astrid. "Let's go, guys. My other self have some small business to make. Let's leave him be." They nodded in understanding and smile.

I gave a sharp whistle that woke up our dragons, and when they turn their attention to me, I gave them hand command and they immediately followed it. They flapped their wings and flew away except for Toothless who stayed and younger Toothless who didn't understand my hand gestures and simply just ignored me. We made our way out of the cove, gave my younger self a pat on the shoulder and a silent good luck before leaving completely. As we made our way back to the village, a loud explosion and at the same time, shouts of other vikings was heard through the border between the village and the forest. We all groan in annoyance.

I ran towards the town plaza, with Astrid and Fishlegs following behind. When we all arrive, disaster is everywhere. A few houses were on fire, Vikings running around in panic and the boar house is destroyed, causing all boars to run around. And in the middle of all the chaos, both twins stood looking impressed at their 'achievement' with a mischievous smile.

"What the--" Astrid gaped at the plaza while Fishlegs gasp.


Both older twins' mischievous looks immediately disappeared when they saw me looking at them angrily. "UH OH."

"Aw, man." And the younger twins whined.

"What have you done? Do you realize that this is not the same Berk? That you can just do something like this?" I exclaimed furiously as I pointed my hand around us. "Now, I want you to clean this mess up, right now!"

"Now, who point you our leader?" Tuffnut glared which made Astrid and Fishlegs face slap and groan in frustration. I only glared hard at them.

"Ugh! Fine!" Ruffnut whined.

"You're no fun!" Tuffnut added with an eye roll which made me glare at him.

As they leave, my eyes turned towards the younger twins who tried to sneak away. "You're both helping!"

"Ugh! Okay!" They both grumbled at they followed their older selves.

Then I turn my attention back on Astrid and Fishlegs. "Call your dragons, get a bucket and help the twins on putting the fire out. And if you find Snotlout, get him to help." They both nodded their head and head out.

A rumble made me turn to my side and saw Toothless looking at me expectantly. "Looks like its just you and me, bud."

Meanwhile, he didn't even see Gobber and the villagers staring at his leaving form in shocked disbelief.

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