Chapter 6: Explanation

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-Third Person-

"Okay, so I won't explain to you how I got Toothless because I know it might change our future. So instead, I'll explain how I stop the raid." Future Hiccup asked as everyone nodded their heads.

"Does that sound okay to you?" Everyone nodded their heads in response.

"So, we want to know how you commanded those dragons to fly away without stealing our stuffs." Young Spitelout stated as he glace at the older version of the gang.

"It's very simple, actually—" Older Hiccup started but stopped as he grabbed his inferno, what looked like the hilt of a sword where there was a dragon mouth on the end and it has no blade, then carefully put it on the center table for everyone to see. Young Hiccup on the other hand, seems to look at it in interest. "I call this inferno. The sword I used in the raid earlier ago."

"That wasn't the sword that I saw you used earlier." Young Astrid said with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's because, I haven't activated it yet." Older Hiccup simply said as he took hold of the hilt of the sword and carefully pressed a button at the center which causes the sword to burst out in raging fire without the metal being melted down.

This action made everyone recoiled back in fear and surprise, while the others stared at it in awe.

"Cool!" Tuffnut exclaimed as his sister just nodded her head in agreement.

"Wayt! Haw come the swo'd is blayzing with fire an' the metal isn't even melting ova the heet?" Gobber asked with his thick accent, but older Hiccup still catches up a few words.

"The metal I used isn't just any ordinary metal that you Vikings know. We call it, gronkle iron. The metal that Fishlegs and I discovered from the Gronkles. It's the thinnest yet the strongest metal that we ever made by ourselves as we currently used for special situations. And that's why its not melting by the strong heat is because the metal is coated with Monstrous Nightmare saliva." Older Hiccup explained while Gobber nodded his head in awe.

"It's also helpful to my sword because the saliva only produces fire, but this sword is only for dragons." He added as he deactivated the blade. "And the thing about this sword, It's not very sharp as you touch it. The fire only makes it look like deadly to your enemy's eyes."

"Incredible!" Gobber exclaimed in amazement.

"And what about those gas? How did you do it? Where did those green gases come from?" Young Astrid asked.

"Ah, well, the other end of the hilt has a slightly big opening which releases the Zippleback gas in just one click them another click will produce a spark which will cause a small explosion. But of course, I have to put a canister inside before I take it on action." Older Hiccup explained once again as he opened a small opener at the bottom side of the hilt with an empty content.

"I used this in a situation where I attempt to tame a dragon without the both of us getting hurt." He added.

Young Fishlegs gasp in realization. "Of course! Once you release a zippleback gas around you, the dragon will be confuse and might think you are one of them instead of an enemy!"

"Correct!" Older Hiccup chuckled while the others are slowly processing every explanation.

"Smart." Young Hiccup muttered in awe although older Hiccup heard him since he's a bit close to him.

"You just complimented yourself." Older Hiccup smirk which causes young Hiccup to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment with a toothy grin which Toothless mimic. "But thanks."

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