"Only 3"

134 8 2

Seokjin's pov

An hour, maybe 2, I wasn't even aware at this point. It feels like a lifetime though. I think I was listening to what the people around me were saying but I also wasn't. I was spacing out. The conversation I did pick up went like this. An exchange between Namjoon and a police officer.

"What is the problem sir?"

"Our son has been abducted!"

"Where and when sir?"

More talking, they were muffled and distant. But I heard them.

"Stay calm? We'll handle this. Please fill this out."

More talking, it all seemed unnecessary in some light. True they were talking about my Jiminie but it was all distant. I was trying to understand and cope. I couldn't.

God, so much happened in only a few hours. My mind just drifted. It left my body frozen and forced my subconscious to bite at me.

A woman, the lady had said....A lady with the same hair colour as him. That was the only clue she gave. But who? Why? Why would somebody steal somebody else's child right then and there. What have I ever done to anybody for them to take my little boy from me. My baby. He's was probably scared and hungry and....and lost.

More tears began to occupy my eyes, they rolled down my cheeks down to my clothes soaking it.

"Jinnie?" Namjoon's hand rest itself onto my shoulder. I look up at him and he hugs my frame tightly in his arms. "Don't worry well find him. We will."

I hug him back. "How...how are you so calm?" I ask through his clothes.

"I -"

"Where is he? It can't be?? Namjoon!!"
We hear come from the door of the station. Its Myunk sook and Mr.Kim.

"Mom.. dad.."

"WHERE IS HE? SAY IS ISN'T TRUE!!!" Myung sook yells.

I couldn't even bear to look at her. Not after today. Not now. I couldn't look at any of them. I knew they were judging me.

Namjoon explained what happened in detail once again. After that we were called in to be questioned again. They wanted to be exact and asked us questions about the clothes Jimin was wearing and the name of the witness. Finally after more hours of interrogation we were allowed to leave. I didn't want to but Namjoon told me all we could do was wait

We returned to the estate and nobody dared to speak or make a comment. Namjoon left me in the room to go and cancel out flight and talk to his brother.

I walk into the bathroom and wash my face and forcefully took a shower. After that I just sat on the bed deep in thought. I replayed every single thing in my head seven times trying to come up with something, anything that could help. But it was pointless. Somebody took my baby from right under my nose. I was careless.

I've been crying more than had ever in my whole life in the past few hours.

I looked at the small plush yellow stuffed toy in my hand and cried to it.

The same hand from earlier cupped my cheek gently and whipped the tears from my face. Namjoons eyes were red as well. He'd been crying too. Although it wasnt infront of me, I could tell he had done it did in hiding.

"Baby..." He says crouching down to meet my eyes.

"I know he's crying right now, I can feel it. He could be hurt, strangers could be doing all kinds of stuff to him and...and we're just sitting here. Or even worst he could be dea-"

"Don't think like that, please don't. We need to stay positive. Well...find him don't worry."

"How do you know that? I- I turned my back for 3 seconds. Only 3. How? It couldn't have just been a simple fluke. It couldn't. Somebody was waiting for the chance."

"Dont blame yourself. Please don't. You're an amazing dad. The world sometimes just has really bad people." 

"How can I not Namjoon? STOP TELLING ME TO THINK POSITIVELY!" I say raising my voice unintentionally. "I'm sorry." I say after I realise what I was doing. Taking my anger out on Namjoon wasn't the way to deal with this.

"It's alright Jin." He says simply. We stay like that for a while. Me crying into his embrace and Namjoon comforting me by slowly tracing smooth circular motions on my back.

Eventually we fell asleep like that. Namjoon put me to bed but I barely slept and hour. My mind didn't allow it. Everytime I would I'd have nightmares of awful senarios involving Jimin. At one point through the night I woke up again and headed to the room Jimin had been sleeping in and cried in there. Namjoon's father woke up and found me in there in my most lowest point. He walked over to talk to me. At first I thought he was going to tell me to man up but without a second thought he hugged me soothingly. That made me cry even more. All he said was "W'ell find whoever took our boy from us. I promise you that."

To be continued
Thanks for reading. I'm proud I reached 300 reads a while ago thanks to you!

Song recommendation: 7 years old - Lukas Graham

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