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Namjoon's pov

I feel awake but am I really? My arms; I could feel them, legs; I could feel them as well and my heart was beating as per usual. But opening my eyes was the tough bit. It's like I was aware of my surroundings but just couldn't bring myself to face them. Was I dead? Is this what death feels like.

Poking, thats what I felt after a little while. It continues. To my cheek. More poking. What the hell? The poking happens one more time forcing me to break the wierd trance I was apparently in and open my eyes. I'm greeted with same darkness as before although this one feels real.

I blink my eyes a few times adjusting to the new feeling, as I do I feel my body come alive. All the things I couldn't feel before comes back to me, like the fact that my jaw felt agitated and my head was spinning. Fuck!

I attempt to raise it off the ground and succeed by sitting up straight.


"Daddy?" A small voice utters to my side. My body goes numb. Its freezes in place. What? I slowly turn my head towards the all to familiar voice and see Jimin standing next to me, his body folded into itself making himself small. He was scared and his tears were dried up onto his soft cheeks. I couldn't believe what I was seeing was real.

"Daddy?" He repeats again this time holding his little arms out. I don't take him in instantly as I usual would do but just look at him, still in shock. It was dark out. There was nobody around where we were but the two of us.

I hear a hiccups and a whimper from Jimin.

"Daddiee" he says almost crying.

Instinctively I hold him in my arms and stand. "Jiminie, oh my god. Are you okay?" I look him over and brush his hair out of his face to see if he wasn't hurt. He wasn't.

"Are you alright baby? Does anything hurt?" He shakes his head slowly as he clutches onto my shirt collar.

He was trembling either from being scared or from the cold weather.

How long have I been asleep? How long has he been waiting for me to get up....another thought cascades its feelings though my mind faster than lightning itself.

Where is Seokjin? He was passed out on the floor when I lost consciousness and Jimin was in the car about to be taken away but he's here. Oh god what happened?

The trembling boy in my arms brings me out of my thoughts. I make my way back through the deserted store and to my car, placing Jimin in as and turning on the heat to get him warm.

Meanwhile my head was revolving around a tornado. What the hell had happened. I wanted to know where Jin was? What had happened? Weren't they going to take Jimin away? Why is he here?

I lean on the car and think. What should I do now? I called the police before, did they just never show up? I looked at the little toddler lying on the back seat and knew I had to take care of him first before anything else.

I drove home and gave him a quick shower, dressed him in some warm clothes, fed him something and lay him down to sleep. He passed out real quick. After that I got myself together and repeated the same process on myself.

After Jimin woke up I asked him how he was and checked whether he could remember anything.

"Jiminie baby this is very important so I need you to listen okay baby?"

He nods his head slowly.

"Do you know what happened after daddy went to sleep?"

He shakes his head.

"Do you know the people that took you?"

Another head shake.

"What about papa? Do you know what happened to him?"

He hesitates. "The lady took him away in the car and- and told me to sit and wait."

"Where? Do you know where?"

He shakes his head again.

"Come on Jimin, think please, think!" I realise I'm raising my voice at him as the boy flinches.

"I'm sorry baby." I say scooping him up in my arms before he starts to cry. "It's just really important." He shakes his head in my neck and I could tell he was mentally just exhausted. Poor baby, I don't even know where he's been all this time and with those awful people. Who knows what they've done to him. Who? Why?

I try not to think about what I saw on the concrete before passing out. I need to be strong and optimistic for Jin and Jimin. I hug the boy closer to my chest sitting down on the sofa with him trying to keep my tears in. Jimin falls asleep again.

Jin can't be- no. They took him. They'll probably want another ransom. I need to get that ready and- and I need to uh- I need to report Jimin's find to the police.

That night I couldn't sleep a wink. At all! My mind wandered haunting me so much. The only thing that kept me sedated enough to shut my eyes for 5 minutes was the fact that Jin would've wanted to me to take care of Jimin first. That's what he would've done, its what he would want me to do.


To be continued! Thanks for reading.
Painful_Whispers 💚 Hope you see this update 3:)
Song Recommendation: (before I tell ya'll it, let me take a moment to say how much I FREAKING adore this song, I hope you can appreciate it as much as I do) I've told you - Sam Smith

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