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X e n a

It was already Thursday. I haven't seen Archer for two days, and if I did, I would turn and walk the other way.

I don't know why but I don't feel like telling him. It's something in me telling me that I shouldn't tell him.

I feel like he's going to reject me.

Brie and Cam have given up on asking if I told him yet. It's because they already know I haven't told him.

And I won't be telling him anytime soon.

It was currently lunch time and I was sitting on the table while Cam and Brie argued over something stupid.

I got bored so I decided to pull out something to do, and after finding nothing I found my cherry chapstick at the bottom on my bag.

So decided to read the ingredients that were written on the tube.

I first applied some on my lips and then I started reading through the hazards. Then the ingredients.

What the fuck is a octyldodecanol?

How did people come up with chapstick in the first place? Did they just decided to put in different chemicals that they can't pronounce?

But I mean I'm not complaining. It smells really good.

"Guys what the fuck is a octopus doodie canal?" I try pronouncing the word.

But then I realised their voices because hushed and then they stopped talking.

I peek my head up and look at them but they were looking at something behind me with their mouth gapped open.

I turn around confused but my breath hitches.

"Can I please talk to Xena for a second?" Archer asks slightly smiling, his eyes focusing on my face then on the chapstick.

Brie and Cam looking at him dazed. But I was just staring at him in awe. How can he be so beautiful?

"Go!" Brie whispers before pushing me causing me to fall of my chair...in front of Archer.

You can count on your friends to embarrass you in front of your crush.

He grabs onto my hand and pulls me to the cafeteria doors. The similar tingles running through my hand.

I quickly yank my hand away before I would do something stupid.

He stops outside the hallways and looks at me as if he was trying to hold in a laugh. But honestly he looks constipated.

"What's an Octopus doodie canal?" He grins.

"What?—" I stare at him in confusion.

What's an Octopus doodie Canal?

"You we're talking about it a few minutes ago to your friends?" He reminds me.

Oh. So he heard me say that.

"Oh. I don't know. I was trying to read out a really complicated word" I shrug my shoulder.

Cherry ChapstickWhere stories live. Discover now