O w e n
We had all gone to McDonald's because we all got hungry after laser tagging. I had just ordered myself a Big Mac and and some fries.
Cam and I had kissed while we were playing laser tag and let me tell you...it was the best kiss I've ever had. It was like I had completely forgot where I was and the only thing I was focusing on was on Cam. But of course we got interrupted.
We were all talking, Archer, Felix and I on one side of the booth while Cam, Xena and Brie were sitting on the other side of us.
I was sitting right opposite Cam and we both took a bite of our own food but I froze as soon as the food entered my mouth. The taste of the burger came flooding into the mouth and that's when I stoped chewing and I looked up at Cam with wide eyes.
She was looking at me the same way. I blink once...twice.
I then slowly turn to Archer while Cam rushed for the bathroom pulling Brie and Xena along.
"What the fuck just happened?" Felix says looking at me.
"What happened was I just found out Cam is my soulmate" I say I'm a bit of a daze.
I was way more calm and collected compared to Cam. Or it was just the fact that it hadn't really hit me yet.
I always got a different type of vibe from Cam, from the beginning. When we first started hanging out. But it never really came to my mind that she would be my soulmate.
"Wait...for real?" Archer says looking at me with wide eye and a smirk.
"Yup...and while we're on the topic of soulmates...I never really realised that a burger tasted like this. This is the shit bro" I mumble while looking at my burger and taking a big bite out of it.
"Right? It's tastes so good" Archer nods along drinking his Oreo milkshake.
"Hey...can we talk about something we all can relate to" Felix frowns.
"You'll find your soulmate soon buddy...how many months left?" I ask while laughing.
"Still 2 months to go" Felix says.
"You can always find it sooner than the date on your wrist though" Archer shrugs. Grabbing so fries from Xena's plate.
I wonder what Cams telling the girls.
C a m
"Wow wow wow, you need to calm down babe." Brie says trying to slow me down.
Once we reached the bathroom I looked at both of them in the eyes.
"During the laser tagging Owen and I kissed" I state.
"Oh yay. That's great—" Brie starts to say.
"That's not the point though, I took a bite of my nuggets and I can taste" I say.
"And you had to drag up all the way to the bathroom to tell us that?" Xena says with a small smile on her face.
"Bitch. Don't start. Says the one that ran away from her soulmate after kissing him and then not confronting him about it a whole month later" I roll my eyes.

Cherry Chapstick
Teen FictionEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...