E l e v e n :

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X e n a

It was currently lunch time and Cam, Brie and I were walking to the cafeteria.

Today we were going to try and see if Vera has a mark on her wrist. Cam, Brie, Owen and I were very sure that she's been covering her mark.

Once we walked into the cafeteria I ignore all the stares but I only focused on one person. Vera.

She was sitting at her usual table, no one was there yet.

This meant that I had enough time to talk to her and some how see if she had a mark.

Brie and Cam walked to the table where we usually sit and Owen walked to his table where Archer and his friends sat on.

"Aloe Vera! Hey! Can I talk to you for a second" I smile at her in the sweetest way possible.

The mark usually lays on the persons dominant hand. And knowing that Vera was most definitely not a leftie I grabbed onto her right wrist and stared at her.

"What did you just call me?" Vera says while standing up from her seat.

"I called you Vera. Why? Have hearing problems?" I ask innocently.

Vera stared at me for a second before she shakes her head and asks me what I want.

I still had a hold of her wrist so I very subtly tried to rub on it and see if she was covering her mark.

And not so surprised, I saw a part of her wrist had a small part had had a smudge of what looked like foundation, and her mark was peaking through.

Now I just need a picture to show Archer.

"I was wondering if...you wanted to take a picture with me?" I asked her adverting my eye from her wrist.

She looked at me in confusion before she squints her eyes at me.

"And why would you want a picture with me?" She also while her hands now crossed over her chest.

She still hasn't realised that her foundation from her wrist was smudged off.

"Because...um...it's for my instagram?" I say but it sounded more like a question.

She stares at me for a second before she nods her head.

I turn around to call Brie to take a picture but she was already standing there with her phone out in the air, ready to take a picture.

There was an evil glint in her eyes, one that matched mine because now I had proof and this whole soulmate drama would come to an end.

Brie takes a picture of us and I instantly snatch the phone away from her to see if the picture showed the mark on her wrist.

And sure enough her wrist was in full display, I smiled a little before walking away from her, Brie walking beside me.

"Now I just need to show this to Archer" I say.

"Show him this today" Brie says while sitting down at our table.

"I will" I nod my head and took a seat opposite my two friends.

"Did you get a picture of her wrist?" Cam asks.

"Yeah" I nod my head.

We talked about nothing and everything till lunch was over, we all then headed to our next class.


School just finished and I was standing near my locker with Owen, Brie and Cam. I was waiting for Archer to come out so that I could tell him how Aloe Vera is just a lying piece of shit.

We were all just talking until I saw Archer come out of class...with Aloe Vera.

When will she stop clinging to him?

As soon as you tell Archer the truth.

I take a deep breath and walk up to him. He was smiling and talking to Vera but as soon as he sees me he stops dead in his tracks.

"Archer—" I start.

"Listen, Xena. You really need to stop trying to talk to my soulmate, I'm sure you'll find yours soon but you need to stop trying to get with mine." Vera rolls her eyes.

That should be me saying that.

"But that's what I'm trying to explain to him. Vera, we all know you're not his soulmate—" I was cut off my Vera dragging Archer away from me.

"You haven't found yours yet so you're trying to get with Archer, who is my soulmate and—" I start talking a bit louder since they were way ahead of me now, their backs facing me.

"And...they're gone." I sigh and drop my hands to my side which previously rested on the straps of my school bag.

I felt hot tears burn to the surface of my eyes, my vision becoming blurry. I tried blinking them away but instead they rolled down my face. It felt like I had fallen into a bed spread with thumbtacks, that pierced my heart. A painful pull at my heart.

I balled up my fist, my nails digging into my palm.

Why is Archer so blind to notice? Does he not feel the bond or something?

I felt a presence behind me, I turned around with tears still rolling down my face. I was crying because I was frustrated. Frustrated about he fact that I might never get Archer. What if I stay lonely forever?

In front of me stood Owen, staring at me with pity in his blue eyes. Cam still stood near the locker staring at the door that Archer and Vera went out of. More like glaring at the door. Brie just stood frozen in her spot with her eyes and mouth wide open. The hallway was already empty, people wanting to leave school as soon as possible.

Owen then opens his arms, and I gladly hug him. I really needed a hug right now. Once I wrapped my arms around him, tears flow from my eyes. A silent sob escaped my lips. As if my sob is what brought back Brie and Cam from their shock, they look over at me.

They then instantly run to me and hug me once Owen let's go of me.

I mean...I kind of expected this to happen.


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Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, also ITS NOT EDITED SO SORRY FOT ANY GRAMMATICAL ERRORS! 💕

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