It was Monday, and I was looking forward to going to school. Everything is finally getting better.
I walked out of the bathroom fully clothed. I was wearing Archers hoodie because it was really comfortable along with some black jeans and some shoes my dad gifted me for my birthday last year.
I walked down the stairs with my school bag hanging from one of my shoulders, my dad was in the kitchen making himself some coffee.
"Morning" I smile and sit on the island counter.
"Morning...get off the counter please" my dad gives me a pointed look.
"Sorry" I say while grabbing and apple from the fruit basket and hopping off the counter.
"I'm heading to work, don't forget to lock the door when leaving" my dad says while kissing my forehead.
"Actually, I'm coming with you as well. I want to be in school early" I smile again.
"Oh...why are you so happy early in the morning? you're never so chirpy in the morning" my dad looks at me near the front door. His hand just resting on the door knob.
"I don't know" I shrug walking up to my dad waiting for him to open the door since his hand was just resting on it.
"And when did you get this hoodie?" My dad inquires letting go of the door knob to look at me.
"I got it a few days back"
"It's not yours is it?" my dad looks at me with a knowing look
"No...it's not" I sigh. I then open the door to the house and walk out.
"Bye dad, see you later" I smile and wave walking to my car.
I saw my dad laugh and shake his head walking out of the house as well, and locking it shut.
I back out of the driveway and drive myself to school. Looking forward to the day.
15 minutes later I reach school, I park my car is an empty spot and get out of the car.
I still had about 20 minutes before classes start.
I open the door of the school and walk in. The first person I lay my eyes on is Archer. He was talking to Owen, Brie and Cam.
"Hey guys" I smile and walk up to them.
"Hey" they all say.
Archer wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses the side of my forehead.
"I literally am waiting here for this guy to come out of the stupid reception" Brie shakes her head.
"Which guy?" I ask, moving a bit closer to Archer just because I liked being near him
Call me weird. I don't care. Plus, my dad said the bond just grows from here...
"There's this new guy that joined school. And Brie can't take her eyes off him. But I'm not going to lie. He is really hot" Cam smirks.

Cherry Chapstick
Teen FictionEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...