T h i r t y S e v e n :

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X e n a


It was currently 3am,I was laying down on my bed in my dorm room, my roommate Adalyn was fast asleep lightly snoring on the bed across from me. As much as I thought sharing a room with someone would not be that great I was completely wrong, Adalyn was a very bubbly and cheery person, she understood privacy and we had become very close since I first joined uni, we joined at the same time

I was on a call with Cam and Brie, we were all talking over one another all of us just too excited to tell all of us what was happening with our lives. We never lost contact through the 3 years we spent away from each other. We always made sure we never lost contact, we texted each other all the time and every Friday night we would call each other to catch up on all our lives.

Cam told us about everything going on in her life and she also mentioned that Vera gave birth to a small baby boy and she named him Ezra. He was turning 3 this year. She found someone else that was also rejected around 2 years ago and they were happy together. I was happy for her, even though she was a bitch to me in high school, it made me happy she found someone that cared for her. She didn't really deserve what she went through in high school, even if she was a little bitch.

All three of us never lost contact of Archer, Owen or Felix, we all were doing just fine. Although Archer used to be a bit busy having to run a whole company and do uni at the same time, it never stopped him from calling me whenever he could. His dad retired just a year back meaning Archer was now the CEO of the magazine company, although this dad was always there if he needed any help. Archer was managing the business from Connecticut, he did fly back home to New York to handle business there as well. To say the least he was tired and stressed. All I wanted to do was to give him a big hug.

"Well what are you doing tomorrow Xena?" Brie asks

"Well, tomorrow is Adalyn's birthday so we were going out, what about you guys?" I ask

"I'll probably do what I usually do on Saturday, I stay inside and have some me time" Brie shrugs

"And I'll probably do what I usually do on a Saturday, go for a party" Cam smiles and shrugs

They're polar opposites, I smile as we started talking about anything and everything, I couldn't wait to see them for winter holidays when we all go back to New York. It was currently August and it was our last year of being a junior in uni, One more years and we're done with uni. Time really does fly.

We all talked for another hour before I got really tired, I told them I was going of to sleep and I'll talk to them tomorrow. They both said bye before I ended the call and snuggled deeper into the blanket. I really miss my dad and Apollo. Apollo was really big now, he wasn't a puppy anymore, but he was still my baby.

My eyes started to slowly shut and before I knew it I was fast asleep. What I didn't know was how much my life would change after tomorrow.


"Aye psst, get up you skunk. I'm hungry" Adalyn whispers in my ear and vigorously shakes my sleeping body.

"Ugh, fine. I'm up, I'm up" I say and sit up in my bed, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh and Happy birthday to this old person, you're 21, yuck you're old" I smile at her and got off my bed to give her a big hug.

"Yeah yeah, you'll be 21 too. And I'm not old" Adalyn rolls her eyes and hugs me back before telling me to get ready so we could go out to eat like how I promised her yesterday.

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