X e n a
The next day I woke up like I was a girl on a mission.
A girl on a mission to get her soulmate.
I headed downstairs wearing a baby blue halter top and some black skinny jeans, finishing my outfit with a messy ponytail.
I also put on some mascara and my favourite cherry flavoured chapstick.
"Hey sweetie" my dad smiles at me when he sees me descending from the stairs.
"Hey dad" I mumble sitting opposite him while I grab a banana from the fruit basket. Since yesterday I've been in a low mood. I cried myself to sleep even when I told myself that I won't let a boy make me cry.
But here we are...
"What's wrong?" My dad places his coffee mug down and looks at me in the eye with concern swimming in his honey coloured eyes.
I've inherited my green-ish blue eyes from my mom but I got my black hair from my dad, my mom had a brown almost blond hair colour.
"Xena?" My dad asks again looking at me with more concern.
I snap out my daze and stare at him.
I can't tell him what happened, he'll just get pissed and the last thing I want is my dad to be pissed.
"Nothing" I shake my head throwing the banana peel in the dustbin once I was done with it. "I'm just stressed and tired with all the school work, and college applications and stuff" I say giving my dad a smile to make it more believable.
My dad looks at me for a second before sighing at telling me that if I needed anyone to talk to anyone, he was there for me.
I nod and hug him before telling him that I was heading to school.
20 minutes later I reach the school gates and I park my car where I usually park in.
I walk to the school building and I see Brie, Cam and Owen talking. I walk up to them and greet all of them before my eyes fall on Archer.
With Vera.
"Jesus, can they please just get a room" I grit out and look back at the floor when Archer pulls away and makes eye contact with me.
I haven't talked to Archer since I told him I'm his soulmate, I've just make very awkward eye contact with him.
"I'm going to talk to him now" I state bluntly once I see Vera walk off giggling with her friends, leaving Archer near his locker pulling out some books.
"Oh okay—" before Owen could say anything I walked up to Archer and tapped his shoulder.
Archer turns around and looks at me before giving me a small smile which I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't already looking at his lips.
"Hey" Archer mumbles before adjusting his bag straps over his shoulder.
I've realised he does that a lot. Adjust his bag strap on his shoulder.

Cherry Chapstick
Novela JuvenilEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...