X e n a
"Babe! Xena! Can we please leave? Owen, Felix, Brie and Cam have already left! XENA" Archer yells for my name from the living room.
"CALM THE FUCK DOWN, I NEED TO PACK MY SWIMSUITS" I yell back and then I heard Archer walk to our room and open the door, Apollo following behind him. Wagging his tail.
"Seriously? You had the whole of last night to pack" Archer rolls his eyes playfully, he walks to where I was standing and helped me put my swimsuits in the bag.
We were currently going to the Hamptons with Felix, Brie, Cam and Owen. Just like we did years back when we were in high school. Archer and I moved into his penthouse in New York after we finished with uni, Apollo moved in with us too, I had also started working at the magazine company.
We carried the bags down the elevator and into his car, I had Apollo on a leash, we decided to take him with us because he might like the beach. It was currently 12pm, we had around 2 hours to reach the beach house. Two years ago when I was paralysed on my left leg Archer was there for me and I had a physiotherapist that helped me walk again. Around a year later when I could completely walk again, Archer took me to the beach in Cali to teach me how to surf again and since I used to be able to surf before, I got a hang of it very easily.
Throughout the whole 2 hours, we were jamming out to music, both of us yelling out the lyrics at the top of our lungs. Apollo just barking at anything he saw from outside the window from the back seat. I was staring at Archer and I couldn't help but think about how we've been together for almost 7 years now and he's always been by my side and I've been by his side. Although we have had a few arguments but we never let it get to us and we knew how to get around them.
Around 2 hours later we reached the beach house, we got out and opened the door to the house, Archer was the one who had the keys so the door was locked. But we heard people near the beach.
I walked around the house with Apollo following me and I saw Brie, Cam, Felix and Owen all sitting on a towel on the sand all of them laugh at whatever they were talking about.
"XENA! HI! WTF HI!" Brie excitedly says and gives me a hug then hugs Apollo too, everyone else standing up as well, I greeted everyone else and hugged them all, I haven't seen them since last year summer.
"Where's Archer" Felix says as he hugs me.
"I'm right here" Archer says as we opens the sliding door of the house.
"Archer! Hey" Brie smiles and waves before shoving past him with her bag and entering the house. The house was locked and Archer was the one who had the keys so they were all waiting near the beach for us to come.
"Good to see you too Brie" Archer rolls his eyes
Everyone else walks into the house as well. I walk in and put my bag into our room. It was currently around 2:30 so once we all were settled in we decide to go do what we all loved to do...surf.
Felix too was going to surf. Brie had ended up teaching how to surf.
We all walked out to the beach, Apollo happily walking beside Archer. Archer was holding onto Apollo's favourite ball.
Brie, Cam and I immediately went for the ocean, too excited to surf. The boys were sitting on the sand, Archer playing fetch with Apollo.
Around half an hour later the boys joined too, Apollo was just staring at us near the shore barking, and wagging his tail happily. He really does like the beach.

Cherry Chapstick
Teen FictionEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...