X e n a
Today marked the day that all my friends and I graduated from high school, I was leaving behind all the bad and good memories that I had made in this school. Memories from my mother passing away, to when I first met my two best friends to all of us meeting our soulmates.
The graduation ceremony just ended, meaning that we were now alumni's of this school. I walked up to all my friends and we all just hugged each other and congratulated each other. All our parents walking up to us to go congratulate us.
Archer had already told everyone else about his scholarship to Yale. He was luckily able to get even above what his predicted grade was, which was amazing. I had luckily gotten into University of Stanford. We all had to take our own paths from here.
If I'm being honest Cam, Brie or I never really talked about this but I knew deep down that we were all scared about what would happen with our soulmates, we were all going to different universities and that means that we'll be further away from our own soulmates. We knew that we had to do long distance for around 4 years but we all know that can be hard sometimes. Archer would be all the way in Connecticut while I would be on the other side in California. To say the least I was scared and I knew for a fact we all were, we just didn't want to say anything.
"This is it" Archer sighs and looks around.
"4 years of hell in high school and another 4 more years to go" I say, I smile at him. He did look rather good in a suit, the dress shirt clinging close to his muscles.
"I never really said this earlier but this dress of yours is really cute" Archer says and hold onto my hem of my dress and observes the floral patterns on the dress. It was a short white dress with floral patterns on them.
"Thank you" I smile and give him a peck on the lips. I rather start to savour every single kiss and touch of his because for the next 4 years I won't be experiencing that. Unless we don't count the holiday we would have which is a total of 2 months in a whole year.
I would only be seeing Archer for 2 months in a whole year. Damn. I really hate this. I really really do. But it's not like I could do anything anyways.
"Hey, I know what your thinking about and I can't tell you everything could be fine because I know for a fact it won't be easy. But we got this, okay?" Archer says and holds my head in his big hands.
I nod my head and look at the sky, I suddenly remembered that I needed to be somewhere right now.
All my friends were deciding to meet up at the park to spend the last few months we have together before we were off to the real world. I told them that I needed to go somewhere right now and that I would join them a bit later.
They all nodded their heads and I went straight to my car. I drove out of the school parking lot and straight to a place I had memories at the back of my hand since I was 16. I stopped coming here but I never stopped thinking about her.
I parked my car and got out of the it. I stepped foot into the cemetery that I hadn't come to since I was 16. I used to come here to talk to her for almost a year. I stopped coming here cause it was still a bit hard to handle. My mother was gone and it still hadn't sunk in my head completely. Even after almost 4 years. I pulled out the bouquet of flowers that I had in my car before I came for the graduation ceremony and in my other hand I had my certificate of graduation.
I walked up to the very familiar head stone, engraved on it was my mothers name.
Anastasia Xiomara Wright

Cherry Chapstick
Teen FictionEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...