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It was currently Saturday, I had already told my dad about how Archer and I sorted out everything with the whole Vera situation. I even told him I was going out with him today.

My dad at first was somehow pissed at Archer for not believing that I was his soulmate in the beginning but after a lot of reasoning, I was able to convince him that after all Archer is my soulmate and that he wasn't a bad person. He just had the whole situation mixed up.

Although I'm not going to lie and say that I too was once was jealous, frustrate and a bit mad at him in the beginning when he didn't believe me. But that's in the past and I've already moved on from that, I'm just grateful that I now have him and that's all that matters.

Brie and Cam were currently sitting on my bed and they were helping me decide on what to wear. Brie pulls out an outfit and puts it on my bed. It was just a pair of black skinny jeans and a red, black and white stripped tube top. I was about hesitant to wear it at first but then again, it is starting to get really hot outside currently.

Once we had sorted out everything I was going to wear, Brie, Cam and I decided to watch a movie together. Archer ended up texting me and telling me when he was going to come pick me up. He said around 5. It was currently 1 so I had enough time.

We all decided on watching 'Tangled'. We had not watched that movie in years.

Before I knew it, it was already 4. So I started to get dressed while Cam and Brie could not stop arguing over whether the chameleon from Tangled or the salamander from Frozen 2 was cuter.

It took me a few minutes to get dressed, then I decided to straighten my hair, once my hair was done, I put on some mascara on my lashes and some chapstick on my lips.

Once I was done getting fully ready it was about 5:20. Although I wasn't surprised if Archer came here late. One thing I've learnt in this whole week is that Archer is late to everything. From coming for lunch, classes as well as picking their date up. I don't have a problem with that at all though, actually, I was pretty okay with him coming late right now. I'll be able to calm my racing heart from jumping out of my throat.

During this week since the whole Vera incident in the parking lot, Archer hasn't really left my side ever since. Whenever he sees me tensing up from Vera's beady eyes burning holes on my face, all he needed to do was to hold my hand and it was like all my problems were just blown away by the wind.

Vera has been giving me threats in school whenever she has the chance to, When Archer is nowhere present near me. I haven't told Archer about them though because it really doesn't affect me, what is she going to do? Hit me for being with my own soulmate? I think not.

"Hellooo?" Cam waves her hand in front of my face.

"You kind of just zoned out. Your dad just walked in and told you Archer is downstairs but you just continued to stare into outer space. Did you even know he came in?" Brie asks, holding in a laugh.

"Pfft of course I knew my dad came in" I lie, getting up from my bed and looking at myself in my full length mirror. I run my fingers through the ends of my hair and pick up my phone from the side table.

"Bye! Have fun, don't do any premarital stuff" Cam winks horribly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You both can see yourself out whenever you want. Bye" a smile plays on my lips before I shut my bedroom door and walk down the long staircase.

"So, you better bring my daughter back before 12 or I'll—" I cut my dad short before he could scare the already uncomfortable looking Archer away.

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