F e l i x
Once Xena asked if Brie and I wanted some privacy I nodded my head and they all left the room.
Once they were all out I turned to her but she was already looking at me.
"You know I got into this accident because of you" she playfully folds her hands in front of her chest but winces
"You need to be careful, and how did I cause this accident?" I shake my head at her, a small smile on my face.
Even if she's injured on a hospital bed she still knows to how joke around and make people laugh.
"Because" Brie says, shrugging her shoulders
"Because what? My hotness distracted you?" I playfully joke with her.
There's no ways she likes me. She probably sees us as friends only. Although yesterday she was getting really comfortable around me—not that I'm complaining—and she cuddled with me.
"Yeah that's exactly what happened" Brie nods her head, her face completely serious. She looks at me to see my reaction but I only laugh.
"What? I'm actually being serious, listen Felix. I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore, and I'm going to be completely straight forward with you. I don't care if this is the worst place to tell you this" Brie says straightening up a bit.
"Look, I've tried showing you that I care for you—" I cut her off.
"I care for you too—" I start but she ends up cutting me off.
"Listen to me. I care for you more than friends. I like you. There I said it" Brie sighs.
"Wait what? You like me? Like, like me?" I ask a bit shocked.
"Yeah." Brie nods her head confidently.
That's what I like about her, her confidence. She doesn't give two flying fucks of what people think about her, she's always straight forward and honest about everything. Even if it's hurtful.
"Wow, I like you too. But I'm pretty sure you already knew that. I mean...I've made it pretty obvious, like, even a blind person could notice that I like you. Who wouldn't like you, you're literally the most gorgeous person my eyes have ever landed on...other than Scarlett Johansson...she could run me over with a bus and I'll thank her. Oh and even my mom, she beautiful too, and you—" I was cut off by Brie laughing but then wincing but then laughing again.
"You're rambling, calm down" Brie smiles.
"Me Je t'aime you" Brie says. She really is struggling huh?
"Uh...that's. That's. That means 'I love'" I try holding in a laugh.
"Oh...now that's a bit too fast. How do you say 'I like you' in french?" Brie asks.
"Shouldn't you know this? This is basic french. You should have learnt that when you were a freshman" I shake my head, a laugh bubbling from my throat.
"Hey! That's mean, I just take time to grasp onto a language" Brie huffs then winces.
Yeah...takes her 4 years to learn the basics of french.
"You need to calm down a bit or you're going to get more hurt." I grab onto her shoulder.
"And it's 'Je vous aime bien' I say" holding onto her hand.
"Well then, je vous aime bien" Brie smiles.
I smile back and then her parents walk in, they stop when they see me holding onto her shoulder.

Cherry Chapstick
Teen FictionEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...