X e n a
It's been around a week since Brie got into the accident and she's doing good, she can't really go to school so Cam, Felix, Owen, Archer and I all go to see her once school ends everyday. It's been a bit weird not having Brie around, this may sound crazy but I miss the stupid bickering Cam and her used to have. Not that they don't argue when we go to the hospital, it just hits different when they argue in school during lunch time over all the other teenagers in the cafeteria, you know?
Today was the day she was getting discharged and I couldn't be more happier. Although the doctors said that she might get a bit dizzy so she should rest for a few days at home before she decides to go back to school.
Felix and Brie have gotten way way way closer than they were before. All I'm waiting for right now if for them to just kiss already. Because I am one hundred percent sure that they are soulmates. I can see it from the way that they look at each other.
Archer, Owen, Felix, Cam and I were all currently in the hospital waiting for Mr. Hernandez to finish talking to the doctor so that they could discharge her.
We were all waiting inside Brie's room while her mother talked to the doctor outside.
"It's obviously the fucking chicken who came first. Cam stop being so stupid. Use your brain for one fucking second" Brie rolls her eyes at Cam.
As usual like any normal hospital visit Cam and Brie were arguing. This time I think it was about whether the chicken or the egg cake first.
To be honest, I'm secretly rooting for Brie on this. The chicken came first. Prove me wrong.
"Well then how the fuck did the chicken come here? It was obviously by an egg." Cam crosses her hands over her chest.
"THEN HOW THE FUCK DID THE EGG GET HERE? IT WAS BY A FUCKING CHICKEN" Brie yells looking up to the ceiling.
Cam starts to yell as well and I just sigh and look around the room. I felt someone place a small kiss on my neck from behind while wrapping their hands around my waist.
"Do they always argue about stuff like this?" Archer sighs his breath giving be goosebumps.
"All the time" I laugh.
My eyes wander off to Felix and Owen talking about something. Felix was sitting beside Brie holding onto her hand.
Funny how not even 5 months back Archer and Owen probably didn't even know we existed. Archer probably only knew me as the girl that slept in history class.
I smile at the thought until I realised that Archer and I have been together for roughly about 3 months now. It may not sound crazy but it is to me.
We hear the room door open and Cam and Brie slowly stop yelling and arguing and they turn to the doctor who just entered.
"Alright Brie, you're ready to go?" The doctor asks, a smile placed on her face.
"Ready as I could ever be, no offence but the food here is wack. It's worse than the food in the school cafeteria" Brie smiles innocently.
The doctor laughs and and Mr. Hernandez gives Brie some of her clothes. Brie gets out of the bed and Felix was right beside Brie just incase she falls.

Cherry Chapstick
Teen FictionEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...