It was currently Monday. It was 1am and I was heading to the airport right now. I wasn't really that tired. Archer said that he'll meet me at the airport. His dad was supposed to come with him but he had some extra work here so he'll be joining Archer in Italy a bit later.
As I drive to the airport, soft music was playing from the speakers of my car. Just incase I got sleepy. The music would help me stay up.
Around half an hour later I reached the airport. A few seconds later a quite expensive looking white car pulled up. Archer came out of the passenger side and his dad came out of the drivers side.
Shit. I completely forgot his dad was here to drop Archer. I'm in sweatpants for gods sake.
I sigh and get out of the car anyways.
Archer spots me and walks up to me with his luggage in his hand.
"I'm leaving now. My flights going to board in an hour. The check in is quite long" Archer says kissing my forehead and hugging me.
2 weeks won't be that long.
"Bye. Have a safe flight. Don't miss me too much" I smile and kiss his cheek. I was contemplating if I should kiss him on the lips or not cause his dad was here.
"I could say the same" Archer laughs and gives me a kiss on the lips.
I guess it's okay then.
I smile into the kiss and pull away. Archer then waves to his dad. His dad waves back with a smile on his face, he was already kind of standing beside me now to say by to his son.
It's only 2 weeks.
Archer then walk is and disappears after walking through the door.
"Xena, I haven't seen you since the dinner we had last to last month. How have you been" His had a ask a friendly smile on his face.
"I've been good, how are you?" I ask to be polite.
"I'm good. You know after Archer met you as his soulmate he couldn't stop talking about you. Even after the dinner we had that day" his dad shakes his head laughing a bit.
I smile as well. Archer couldn't stop talking about me even before I told him I was his soulmate? Interesting...
"It was nice meeting you, I'll see you soon. Bye Xena" He waves.
"You too, Bye Mr.Howell" I smile and wave walking to my car and driving off. I check the time on the dashboard and it was only 2am. So it didn't really take that long. Once I reached home it was around 2:30.
I quickly washed my face once again and dove right into my bed, sleeping taking over me instantly.
It was currently 7:30am and I was sitting at the dinning table eating a banana while scrolling through my phone. I was wearing some plain blue jeans and a pale green off the shoulder top.
Dad had left a note on the refrigerator saying that he left for work a bit earlier since he had extra work today. Once I was done eating my banana I threw the peel in the dustbin and walked to the door. I closed it shut behind me before walking to my car.
After I reached my car, I got in and drove to school.
Once I reached school, I parked my car in the parking lot and walked into school. Once I walked in I instantly saw Brie, Cam, Owen and Felix hanging around talking near the lockers.
"Hey guys" I tiredly day while resting my back against one of the lockers.
"Hey Xena...why do you look so tired?" Brie asks. I then came to notice that Felix and her were holding hands.

Cherry Chapstick
Teen FictionEverything was tasteless..bland. People in this universe never tasted anything until they found their soulmates. The number of days until they get to meet their soulmate embedded into their wrist, Almost like a tattoo that kept decreasing in days ti...