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"Let's go." Mashiho said and I looked at him and all the guys shocked.
"Go where?" I asked confused and Yedam laughed as if I was joking.
"YG. To give him.....the stuff." Yedam whispered loud enough for only our table to hear.
"You have the stuff right?" Jihoon asked and I nodded.
"Jessica offered to hold it. I'm gonna go get it now." I said as she walked into the cafeteria.
I then stood up and started to walk over to Jessica who was now at the vending machine.
"Hey Jess." I said and she took a double take look at me.
"Here. Go to the bathroom and take it out and bring it back." She said in a calm voice.
I did as told and came back quickly.


   I then decided to go sit with the rest of the guys.
They all acted normal like I fit here.
Nothing was wrong.
No missing drugs, I didn't join YG, Jihoon didn't have to snitch on me to become leader, and everything was fine.
Every time I looked at the guys I saw all of them dying all over.
Especially Hyunsuk.
Maybe that's who my heart belonged to this whole time.
What am I talking about?
They all have my heart.
And they always will.
Even if it's the end.



I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I smiled and quickly answered it knowing that it was Yoonbin.
I heard a sniffle on the other end and my heart dropped.
"Yoonbin?" I said and I quickly got up and put on my shoes.
"Hey uh, Jess. I'm so sorry to-" The voice, that I recognized wasn't Yoonbin's, said.
"Where are you? Who is this? Why do you have Yoonbin's phone?" I asked as I ran downstairs and out the door.

"It's me Jessica." The voice sniffled.
"Hyunsuk!?" I asked and the person didn't respond.
"Junkyu's on his way. We'll explain when you get here." He said before hanging up.
Just then a familiar black car pulled up and I immediately got in it.
Junkyu started driving before I even got to close the car door.
We were driving so fast to where everything looked like a blur, but for some reason I didn't care.

I wanted to know why Hyunsuk was crying and why he has Yoonbin's phone.
We pulled up at Hyunsuk's house shortly after speeding.
A few of the guys were outside talking and I rushed past them.
"Hyunsuk!?" I called through the house.
"He's gone Jessica." Hyunsuk spoke lowly as he looked at the ground and then to me.
"Who? Yoonbin?" I asked and I felt my heart rate start to increase.

"I tried to stop it. I couldn't! I should've went on the mission! I'm the leader! Jihoon is winning the guys over right now! He's gonna take my spot as the leader because everyone thinks that I can't protect them anymore!" Hyunsuk yelled angrily.
"So Yoonbin's dead?..." I said as my eyes start to water.
"I'm sorry Jessica." He said and I nodded understandingly.
I pulled him in a hug as he cried.
"I'll be back later,okay?" He nodded as we pulled away.

I then angrily went back outside looking for Jihoon.
Once I saw him leaning on Junkyu's car with Yoshinori, Yedam, and Doyoung my anger built up even more.
"Are you fucking stupid!?" I yelled getting all of their attention.
"It's Hyunsuk's fault that Yoonbin is gone!" Yoshinori yells back.
"I'm not talking to you so shut the fuck up!" I say pointing at Yoshinori but looking at Jihoon as I storm closer to him.
"What did I do?" He asks looking confused.
"I know what you're doing. Let Hyunsuk stay the leader or you'll regret it." I said causing Jihoon to raise his eye brow and laugh.

"The guys need protection. One of our members just died because of him." Jihoon said and that's when it hit me.
Last time no one died because I went on the mission.
Yoonbin went, screwed up, and got himself killed.
Tried to avoid all of this but we're still dying!
"Hello? Jessica to Earth and Earth to Jessica." Yedam said waving his hands in my face.

"You guys don't want Jihoon as your leader. He's a snake and he's only doing it to get more pay than you guys." I said before walking away.
I hear the guys start to fuss at Jihoon and he starts to defend himself.
Now off to pay YG a little visit.

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