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Jihoon dropped me off down the street from the house as he convinced me that he'll be fine alone and can take the guy somewhere safe.
I decided that now was the time to get right with the other guys.
After a while I reached the house and walked in.
These guys never lock the doors.
I went upstairs and into Hyunsuk's room.
This house is big for Hyunsuk and he has about 3 extra bedrooms that the guys share when they spend the night.

"What?" Hyunsuk said as he was typing on his phone.
Not once did he look up at me.
"Hyunsuk, can we talk?" I said lowly and he looked at me with a blank facial expression.
"You can't be here." He said and I frowned.
"Why the hell are you here?!" He yelled angrily but he wore a sad facial expression.
He motioned for me to follow him into his walk in closet and I hesitantly did.
"I'm sorry Jessica. I'm so sorry Jessica. But I have to be this way. And as long as you keep coming back the more I'm gonna have to hurt you." He whispered and I shook my head.

"You don't have to hurt me. You chose to." I said and he shook his head no.
"We never wanted to. I promise. Us hurting you is keeping us alive." He said and I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"I'm serious. Mashiho never meant to touch you. There was cameras. He was being watched. Yedam wasn't beat up by you obviously. Yoshinori.... He's not even dead." My heart dropped and I was shocked.
"Where is he?" I asked and a tear slipped down his face.

"Who beat up Yedam? Why'd I have to be the one to frame? Why couldn't you just say you didn't know?" I bombarded him with questions and I stopped when I saw him balling his fists.
"Every boss has someone above them. You killed our boss YG. YG's boss is worse. We're not the bad guys here. We're protecting you. If only you knew." He said and I shook my head.
"Putting me in prison to get jumped by large women is protecting me!? Letting your idiot friend beat on me is protecting me!? Planning to rape me is protecting me!?" I said in a yell whisper as I was angry.

"How did you-" he started but I cut him off.
"Is Jihoon in on this too?" I asked and he looked at the ground and shook his head no.
"Where's Junkyu?" I asked and he started sobbing.
"He has him. Just like he has Yoshinori. And Mashiho. But- That's because they gave into you. YG's boss knows that you're the killer." Hyunsuk said and my body went stiff.
"How? Who told?" I said as I face palmed.
"The house may have looked like shit but it sure was protected. Security cameras Jess." He said and I scoffed.

"So he didn't see YG trying to rape me!?" I said and he nodded.
"He didn't but he doesn't care. I think it's best that you leave Jihoon alone." He said and for a second I almost got sad.
"No. I'm not leaving Jihoon because you and you're 12, YES 12, fucking friends are being cowards!" I said now yelling at this point.
I wanted the guys to hear me.
I wanted them to know how I felt.
"What's going on between you and Jihoon?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Why? So you can tell YG's boss? Y'all might be his bitch, but for one thing I won't be yours."
I stormed out of the closet and once I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Haruto, Jeongwoo, Asahi, and Yedam standing in the living room looking confused.
"Who's the boss?" I asked calmly.
"Don't worry about it." Yedam said rudely and I looked at Haruto.
"Haruto? You have to help me." I said and he looked at me then to Yedam.

"Haruto it's your life or someone who put us in this position." Yedam said loudly and I shook my head.
"Do you idiots not understand that I was in a life or death situation too!? That was the only way for me to get out of that situation but you don't seem to care! And Yedam, I hope the boss takes you next."

COMPLETED TREASURE 13- MAFIA- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now