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  After about an hour of walking I reached YG's "trap" house.
I didn't even bother to knock on the door, I just went straight in.
Almost immediately about 3 guns were cocked and pointed at me.
I stopped and huffed.
"I'm just here to speak to YG about Yoonbin." I said and all the guys looked at YG who was sitting in his chair.
"Leave us be." YG said and the men put down their guns and left the house.

"If you're thinking about making Jihoon leader don't. Hyunsuk is the perfect leader. Hell, I don't even know how you're above him." I said as I slowly started walking around the room.
"Excuse me?" He said and I laughed a little.
"They're all blaming Hyunsuk for Yoonbin's death and we all know that it wasn't Hyunsuk's fault." I said now looking him dead in the eye.
"Then whose was it?" YG asked leaning forward.
"Yours. Why can't you go and do the missions?" I asked but didn't give him a second to respond.
"Because you're too scared right? You don't wanna risk your life but you're so quick to risk theirs." I said and YG cleared just throat.

"Name?" He said and I crossed my arms.
"Jessica." I said simply and he nodded.
"Well Jessica aren't you..... Dumb." He said before standing up.
"You see, anytime someone shows up here and has a conversation with me they owe me something. You're here. What are you gonna give me?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Advice." I said and he laughed.
"Mmmm. I don't think I like that. Let me show you what I do like." He said and immediately started attacking me and dragging me to the basement.

I screamed my loudest and tried to fight my way out.
But even if I did there are 3 big men with guns probably waiting outside. YG then tossed me down the rest of the stairs and all I remember is my body filling with pain before I saw nothing but darkness.


It's nighttime now and Jessica still hasn't come back.
Maybe she's not feeling too well right now, I know I'm not.
The guys were all still at my house.
I know you're wondering why I allow Jihoon in my house if he's trying to take my position but I'm just being mature.
I walk downstairs with the others and I pull out my phone to call Jessica.
No answer.

"Have any of you heard from Jessica?" I asked and they all shook their heads no.
"Why?" Haruto asked as he stood up.
"She was supposed to be here hours ago." I said causing everyone to look confused.
"Well we know she doesn't have any friends so.." Mashiho said causing the guys to laugh.
"Let's just split up and find her. After what happened to Yoonbin we all know what people are capable of." Jaehyuk said and we all agreed besides Haruto.

"I'll stay here in case she comes." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Jeongwoo and Asahi. Stay here in case she comes back. Let's go Haruto." Junkyu said causing Haruto to huff loudly.


I wake up to someone jerking me side to side.
Took me a couple of seconds to realize that the person was pulling off my clothes.
Immediately I started screaming and trying to protect myself.
"Stop!" YG yelled as he started unbuckling his pants.
I kicked him in the private part and he fell to the ground in pain.
I continued to kick him everywhere, mainly his face.
Once YG was knocked out I took the gun out of his pants pocket.
Let's end this once and for all.

I pulled the trigger and YG's blood splattered and he now had a hole in his head.
I slowly walked up the stairs and I heard people walking up the other stairs that lead to the second floor. I took this as my chance to run, which is exactly what I did.
I ran out of the house and down the street as fast as I could.
It was so dark out here and nothing looked familiar.
That didn't stop me from running though. After about 10 minutes of running I tripped over something on the ground.
I quickly got back up but I noticed that it was a leg.
I started running again when I was almost hit by a car.

COMPLETED TREASURE 13- MAFIA- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now