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  After our showers the night was filled with Jihoon and I laughing and then occasionally arguing.
What Haruto told me kept running through my head and I didn't want to be raped.
And most importantly that's not how I wanted to lose my virginity.
"Did you hear me?" Jihoon asked as he was still laughing.
"What? Sorry, no." I said and forced on a smile.
"I asked you which of the guys is the most handsome?" He said and I raised my eyebrow.

  "Mmmm." I said as I went deep in thought.
"Between Me and me." I said and he tossed a pillow at me.
"I didn't know you were a guy." He laughed loudly.
"You wanna find out?" I said raising my eyebrow at him.
His smile faded and he looked at me with a straight face.
"Nice one." He said and laughed again.
"Jihoon?" I said and he looked at me again.

  "How would you feel if I told you that I wanna be more than just friends?" I said and his eyes went wide then back to normal.
"Who said we were friends?" He said with a bored facial expression.
"Oh- I just thought-" I started but was cut off by him laughing.
"I'm kidding Jessica." He said and nudged my arm lightly.
"I don't know how I would feel because I don't really trust people in relationships. They're stressful." He said and I nodded.

  "We could always learn to trust eachother." I said locking my eyes with his.
"Jessica you don't understand." He sighed and I nodded.
"Jihoon, it's fine. I get it." I said nodding understandingly.
I honestly didn't get it because I'd never been in a relationship before.
I was about to stand up when Jihoon grabbed my hand.

  "Are you serious?" He said looking me directly in the eyes.
"Yes." I said nodding and he slightly smiled.
"Is this the part where I kiss you or?" I asked and he laughed.
He soon then closed the gap between us and my heart exploded.
Jihoon was and is still my high school crush and to actually be doing what I imagined is mind blowing.

  Jihoon and I continued our heated make out session as his hands traveled my body.
I was straddling him as we were on the bed.
At some point in our make out session I felt as if I needed more of him.
I wasn't satisfied.
I then did what I'd read about and seen in movies.
I started taking off his shirt and he quickly got the message and pulled the rest off himself.
As soon as his shirt was off our lips connected again.
The kiss was rougher than it had been at first.
I have to admit that I liked it.

  Jihoon flipped us and laid me on the bed.
I watched him as he started kissing all down my body.
As nervous as I was I was getting excited.
I then sat up and was about to take my shirt off when Jihoon stopped me.
He started kissing my neck and his hands caressed my thighs.
I tried my best to stay quiet because I didn't want anyone else in the hotel to know what was going down in this room.
Jihoon stopped kissing me and stared into my eyes as he slowly started pulling down my pants.

My heart rate increased and my eyes traveled down his body.
Once he got my pants off he took off my shirt and pushed me back on the bed to fully look over my body.
I wanted to cover my body but there was no point.
He had already saw everything.
He started kissing my body all over again as his hands traveled.
"You sure you wanna do this?" He whispered once he reached my ear.

  I responded to him with a rough kiss.
I let my hands travel down his muscular chest and I started unbuckling his pants.
He stood up so that I had better access.
When I looked up at him he was smirking down at me and watching me take unbuckle his pants.
I guess we all know how this night went.
A lot of pain and pleasure.
But that's life I guess.



COMPLETED TREASURE 13- MAFIA- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now