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  To this day I still think about the guys.
Especially Jihoon.
Everyday Jihoon crosses my mind about 100 times a day.
Even if I'm not trying to think about him.
After I left the guys I took a bus as far as I could.
An old lady offered me to spend the night at her house and since I had no where better to go I agreed.

  That night turned into months.
But only because she helped me get a job and get on my feet.
She didn't ask questions about my past.
She said she didn't need to, everyone deserves second chances.
I have my own small 2 bedroom house that I'm quite proud of.
It's nothing compared to Hyunsuk's house but it's better than being on a bus.

   "Dude!? What are you doing?! I was here first!" I said as Mashiho and I were fighting over the seat on the couch.
"Doesn't matter! Move!" He said back as we continued to wrestle with each other.
"Can you guys stop being childish for one day?" Asahi said causing Mashiho and I to stop fighting.
"Can you stay out of our business for one day?" Mashiho argued back.
"You might be able to beat up Jeongwoo but now you're talking to the wrong person." Asahi said rolling up his sleeves.

  "Do I?" Mashiho said before he and Asahi charged at each other.
Eventually I got tired of watching and went upstairs.
"Put it back!" Yoshinori yelled at Junkyu we Junkyu changed the Tv channel.
Nowhere safe in this house to go.
I walked past Jihoon and decided to go talk to him.
"Sup Jihoon." I said and Jihoon nodded a single time.

  Jihoon hasn't been the same since he found out Jessica was missing.
We haven't heard from her in almost 2 years.
"Jihoon, I don't like seeing you like this. The guys and I are all single and we're perfectly fine." I said shrugging.
"....Okay well most of us." I corrected myself.

  "It's not the same Jeongwoo. And I blame myself. I dropped her off here. I left her to deal with whatever happened here and made her leave." Jihoon said and I shook my head.
"Jihoon-" I started but he cut me off.
"See that's why I don't like talking about it. You all try to tell me I'm wrong. Not even understand that I could possibly be right. I am right. If she would've stayed in the car with me she would've still been here." He said now standing and I nodded.
"Yea but everything happens for a reason Jihoon."


  After I heard Jihoon having another mental breakdown about Jessica I decided to bring him out the house for some fresh air.
Well actually food because we don't have any at the house.
"Wanna have tteokbokki?" I asked Jihoon as he put sodas into the cart.
He just shrugged and I sighed.
"I'm gonna go grab some ice cream, want some?" I asked and he shook his head no.


  Junkyu took the cart with him and I decided to just walk around the store.
I didn't have any energy in me these days.
I saw a child about a year old walking alone down the isle and I quickly ran to the child.
"Where's your mother?" I asked him and he shrugged.
"Do you know her name?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Mommy." He said and I laughed.
"Ok let's go find her." I said and held my hand out for him.
I was walking him to the front desk when I heard a female scream.

"Jaden!? Hey! Get your hands off my son!" I turned around and the lady immediately grabbed the boy and pulled him into a tight hug.
"It wasn't like that. I was trying to take him to the front desk because he didn't know where you were." I said and the girl slowly looked at me.
"Jessica?" I said and my heart sank.


  "Jihoon." I said as I stood up.
My eyes started to water out of mixed emotions.
We slowly pulled into a tight hug and I could feel tears slipping my eyes.
"I'm so sorry." I kept repeating in the hug.
Jihoon was holding me tightly as I cried.
"Jihoon what happened?" I heard a familiar voice asked and I looked and saw Junkyu.
"JESSICA!?" He said growing the biggest smile ever.

  I ran and hugged him and then wiped away my tears once we released.
I then walked back over to Jaden and picked him up.
"Wait. That's your son?" Jihoon asked and I nodded.
"It's our son."

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