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I needed to leave.
I'm only ruining people's life.
Negative thoughts kept running through my head as I packed my bags.
It was about 2 in the morning and all of the guys were asleep.
Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes but I wouldn't allow them to.
I'm a strong girl and eventually my life will get better.
This isn't the end for me.

I put my backpack on and headed to Hyunsuk's little office.
He has a secret safe that has money in it and I'm gonna need money to survive out here.
Eventually I figured out the code and I grabbed about 3 stacks of hundreds.
This is the last favor that I'll need him to do for me.
I headed for the front door and I couldn't help but to take one last look around the living room.

Tears started to form again and I blinked a few times.
Stop Jessica.
Just leave.
I opened the door and left without looking back.


I woke up at about 7 a.m and went downstairs to help with breakfast.
"Your food is in the microwave." Hyunsuk said wiping off the counter.
"Thanks." I said and walked over to the microwave.

"Where's Jessica?" Jeongwoo asked as he came down the stairs.
"She's probably still asleep." Hyunsuk shrugged.
"Sleep where? " He asked and Hyunsuk rolled his eyes.
"Jeongwoo I don't feel like doing this right now. Go back to bed." He said and Jeongwoo sighed.
"I was just trying to hang out with her. She literally has no one but Jihoon and I'm the only one who seems to realize that." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"We all have Jeongwoo. We're not dumb." I defended and he scoffed.
"Seems like it because I'm the only one trying to do something about it!" With that he stormed off and I sighed.

"Don't do it, Haruto. It's a life or death situation." Hyunsuk said.
".... I don't care." I said shocking Hyunsuk and even myself.
"We can't keep doing this to this girl because we're scared. She's scared too but we're all only thinking about ourselves." I defended and Hyunsuk rolled his eyes.
"Look at where the guys who tried to help are." He said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"They're not in there because they chose to help her. They're being held captive because we have a coward as a leader that won't support our decisions! We're a team and we need to start acting like one. We're the reason that Jessica doesn't have anyone so don't you feel like we should try to be there for her?" I didn't wait for Hyunsuk to respond before I went to find Jeongwoo.

  After 5 minutes I found Jeongwoo sitting on a couch in the basement.
"You know, Mashiho and I used to fight over this seat everytime we had a sleepover." Jeongwoo laughed sadly.
I couldn't see his face yet but I could tell he was crying because of the sound of his voice.
"But that was before all of our lives turned into living hell." He added on as I took a seat next to him.

  "Jeongwoo?" I started, causing him to look at me.
"You agree that we're a team right?" I said and he nodded.
"Of course. Do we act like one? No. We used to before we lost Yoonbin." He said the last part very lowly but I still heard him.
"We all need to work as a team to get back how we used to be. How Jessica used to be." I said and Jeongwoo agreed.

  "Everyone on board?" Jeongwoo asked the rest of us.
By the rest of us I mean, Jaehyuk, Asahi, Yedam, Junghwan, Doyoung and I.
We all nodded and agreed.
"On board with what?" Jihoon asked walking in confused.
"We're gonna take our lives back." Jaehyuk said simply.
After explaining the plan to Jihoon everyone fell silent.
"Everyone get ready for cover. Just remember, if we die... It was for each other." Jihoon said and we all hugged.

"Let's go." Jihoon said and we all followed him.
I rode with Jihoon, and Junghwan in Jihoon's car as Yedam drove Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk in his car.
We pulled up down the street from the building.
Jihoon motioned for us to pull out our weapons.
All of us made sure to have at least 2 guns each.
I'm sorry guys.

I'm sorry Jessica.

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