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  I sat on the floor in the cell as I did for the last 2 days and the three other girls who were in the cell just stood staring at me.
They've been staring at me for about ten minutes and I don't know how much longer I can take it.
"Is there a problem?" I said with a monotone voice.
They all exchanged looks and started laughing.
The one in the middle walked up to me slowly and I slowly stood up as I kept my eye contact with her.

  These girls were way taller and more fit than I could ever be.
"What's your name?" She asked looking down at me.
I stayed silent and looked over to the other girls.
"What are you here for?" She then asked and still not a word left my mouth.
The other two girls then started getting closer to us.

"We're trying to help you. You're gonna need a clique to roll with around here so you don't get jumped." And I finally looked up at her.
"I don't need a clique." I said and slightly pushed her back so I had enough room to walk away from them.
I heard her let out an angry laugh.
"And why's that?" She said as she and the other girls turned to face me as I was now leaning on the cell bars.

   "Because I'm not staying in here." I said and all three of them laughed at me.
"Let me guess. You're innocent and your lover boy is gonna get you out?" She said and I rolled my eyes.
"I am innocent." I huffed and turned away from them.
Before I knew it, a hand full of my hair was taken and I was thrown back to the ground.
But of course I didn't go down alone, once she grabbed my hair I grabbed hers and we fell together.

  She started throwing punches and so did I.
It took me a couple of seconds to realize that the other girls jumped in too.
I knew that I had to get off the ground but who knows what'll happen if I stop punching the biggest one!?
I continued punching the larger one and started crazily kicking at the other two girls.
I heard police keys and voices but I was too focused on getting these girls off of me.
I let out a loud scream when someone bit my arm.

  I elbowed her and finally got the strength to get up, immediately swinging at the other two girls.
"Hey! Get back!" Someone yelled and jumped in between us.
I looked and saw Jihoon.
"Weak ass prison girls! Why'd y'all have to jump and y'all all bout big as fuck!?" Jihoon added on and the big one got off the ground.
He looked at me and then pulled me out of the cell.
"Excuse me sir? May I ask what you are doing?" An officer said as he approached us.

  "Jessica is free to go. Her case has been postponed for two more weeks. Or at least until they find solid evidence." Jihoon said and handed the officer the papers.


  I sat on the couch and threw my head back.
"Why are you here?" I heard someone say rudely.
"Jeongwoo. You know I didn't do this." I said slowly walking up to him.
"I don't know what to believe anymore Jessica." He said and I shook my head as tears welded in my eyes.
"I would never. I love all of you guys. I could never hurt any of you." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Someone then came down the stairs catching our attention.
"So I tried to kill you Yedam? Really?!" I said getting angrier with every word.
"Hyunsuk!?" He called and I balled up my fists.
"Jihoon!?" I called and I could hear movement from upstairs.
"Why are you here?" Hyunsuk said shocked from the top of the stairs.
"If you guys are gonna frame me for murder, at least have evidence." I said as Jihoon appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Jihoon I don't wanna be here." I said and he nodded.
"Let me shower and pack our clothes and then we can go." He said and I nodded.
"Jessica!?" Haruto screamed happily.
Which shocked me completely.
He ran to me and hugged me tightly.
"Why do you look like you just fought a bear?" He asked looking me up and down.
"Because she just fought 3." Jihoon called as he went from one room to another.

  "Explain." He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me away.
He dragged me into the backyard and pulled me in a hug.
"I'm trying to help you. I heard some of the guys talking and let's just say they're not your biggest fan. Killing YG has to be your biggest mistake because now they're trying to ruin your life. Don't go alone with any of the guys." He said and my heart beat increased.
"What about Jihoon and Junkyu?" I whispered back.

  "As far as I know they're fine. But if I were you, I'd go and get laid." He said causing me to scoff.
Yes he and I were still hugging acting as if it was just an emotional hug.
"Why?" I asked and he rubbed my back.
"They're going to rape you." He said and I pulled away from the hug.
"Thanks for the information. And at this point I believe you." I forced on a fake smile and went back in the house.

  I don't wanna be raped!
"Jessica?" I heard someone call and I looked and saw Doyoung.
I gave him a fake smile and waved a little.
"You wanna shower?" He asked and what Haruto said popped into my mind.
"Umm I'm about to leave." I said and he nodded.
"Can I come?" He asked and I shook my head no.
"Who are you going with?" He asked and I cleared my throat.

  "Jihoon." I said and he laughed.
"So are you two like a thing?" He asked crossing his arms.
"Yep. Jealous?" I said as I started making my way up the stairs.
"I could have you if I wanted you."

COMPLETED TREASURE 13- MAFIA- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now