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Jihoon, Junkyu, and I were now in the small hotel room that's like half hour away from Junkyu's car.
"You should get some rest." Junkyu said as he handed me a blanket.
I nodded and laid down in the large bed.
"I'm taking the couch." Jihoon said and I shook my head.
"You two share the bed. I'm fine with the couch." I said and Jihoon shrugged before jumping in the bed causing me to get up quickly.
I heard Junkyu sigh before I laid on the couch.
I'm not sure how long it was until I drifted off into a deep slumber.

I woke up and looked at a clock that hung on the wall of the hotel room.
6:18 a.m.
Did I really sleep that long?
I stood up and went into the bathroom.
The hotel room had robes and I put on one and called the laundry service.
I'm sure Junkyu wouldn't mind paying a few extra dollars.
My clothes were now back and clean and so was I.
I decided to wake up the guys so I ran and jumped on the bed and started jumping.
I got to jump like twice when I stepped on someone's leg and fell onto the other person's leg and they groaned and kicked me back, causing me to fall on the hard floor.
"That's exactly what the fuck you get." Jihoon said and I rolled my eyes as I got up.
"Wake up. You guys have been sleep for forever." I complained and Jihoon sat up.
"Awww did someone miss us?" He teased causing me to roll my eyes again.

  "Welp since I'm up I might as well watch TV." Jihoon said as he got up and sat on the couch, throwing my blanket on the floor.
Junkyu's phone started ringing and Junkyu picked it up and read the contact name.
"Hyunsuk." He said looking over at us.
"Don't answer." Jihoon said and I disagreed.
"Answer so he won't be suspicious." I said and Junkyu answered it.
"Junkyu!? The cops are looking for Jessica! Theyre searching all the hospitals and stuff nearby. So where ever you are you have to turn her in! Don't tell her though because she'll run away!" Hyunsuk said loudly, little did he know that he was on speaker.

  "Why are they looking for her?" Junkyu said lowly so Hyunsuk thought that I wasn't able to hear them.
"For murder." He said and my heart dropped.
"What? Who-" Junkyu said quickly.
"She attempted to murder Yedam yesterday. But he fought her off which is why she was in the state that she was yesterday." Hyunsuk started but Junkyu cut him off.
"Who did she murder Hyunsuk?!" Junkyu said angrily.

  "Turn on the news." Hyunsuk said and Junkyu motioned to Jihoon as Jihoon changed the channel to the news.
"This morning, teenaged boy Kanemoto Yoshinori, was found dead in the Shallow woods. DNA of the murderer was found and was identified as Jessica Robinson." As they said my name a picture of me popped up.
"If you know anything about where Jessica is, please inform the police and help us-" Jihoon turned off the TV.

"That's impossible." Junkyu said as Hyunsuk was still on the phone.
"How?" Hyunsuk said and I could hear that he was irritated.
"Because she was the one attacked! She didn't hurt anyone!" Junkyu yelled into the phone and Hyunsuk scoffed.
"Come see Yedam and you'll know the truth." Hyunsuk and Junkyu immediately hung up.
"So I'm wanted for murder!? I would never do that to Yoshinori! Not anyone!" I yelled as I cried.

Jihoon pulled me in a hug and there was banging at the door.
"POLICE! OPEN UP!" At that moment I cried harder and Jihoon hugged me tighter.
The police kicked the door in and I held onto Jihoon not wanting to let him go.
"Jessica!? We're gonna prove that you're innocent!" Junkyu called to me as the officers were pulling Jihoon and I apart.
We were both holding eachothers hands as it was the only way we were still attached.
I screamed and cried and protested but it was nothing.
The cops pulled us apart and hand cuffed me.
"Stay calm Jessica! Don't say anything!" Junkyu called as I was dragged out of the hotel.
I made eye contact with the guys for a few seconds and I could see their eyes watering.

The cops continue to drag and pull me like I was nothing.
And there was I could do.
Because I'm a "murderer".

COMPLETED TREASURE 13- MAFIA- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now