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"I don't think I should. What if they don't wanna see me?" I asked Jihoon as we were now standing in front of Hyunsuk's house.
I drove my car here and Junkyu and Jihoon rode in Junkyu's car.
"Is this your house?" Jaden asked Jihoon as he looked at the house in awe.
"Yea. But I live here with my friends." He replied and kneeled down to Jaden's level.

"Can we go inside mommy?!" Jaden said and I now wore an uncomfortable smile.
I don't want to but at the same time I do.
"Yea." I breathed out and smiled.
Junkyu was just now getting out of the car.
We walked into the house and it was no surprise that the house was a mess.
"Why's Haruto swinging on the chandelier?" Jihoon asked looking at Yoshinori who was on the couch.

"HARUTO!? GET THE FUCK DOWN!" I heard Hyunsuk yell.
I didn't see him though.
"JESSICA!?" Yoshinori said as his eyes went wide.
He then ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
I hugged him back and laughed.
"Who-?" Yoshinori started but then just stopped and pointed to Jaden.
"Our son." Jihoon said and Yoshinori's mouth dropped.

Haruto even stopped swinging.
"Is that why you ran away?" Yoshinori asked and I shook my head no.
"Can we umm. Talk about that later?" I said feeling uncomfortable.
"Yea. Sorry." He said and then I heard running.
Before I knew it Mashiho, Asahi, Jeongwoo, Hyunsuk, Doyoung, Jaehyuk, Junghwan, and Yedam all came running upstairs from the basement.

"Hi guys." I said getting their attention.
"Jessica!?" They all yelled and charged at me.
Everyone except one.
"Why did you leave?" Yedam asked and I looked at the ground.
"Guys can we not?" Jihoon said and I shook my head as Jaden grabbed onto my leg in fear.

He's never been around so many people.
"Who's he?" Junghwan asked pointing at Jaden.
"I can explain everything." I started but Jaehyuk cut me off.
"Why don't you have a seat first?" He said and I nodded.
I grabbed Jaden's hand and guided him over to the couch.
I took a seat and then say Jaden on my lap.

All the guys sat around ready to listen.
"Okay so, at the time I just felt like I was really causing trouble to everyone around me. I felt that if I left things would get better. So I left while everyone was asleep and I caught a bus. Rode it for about 2 hours until they said they weren't going any further. Then I walked for hours. A lady pulled over on the side of the road and asked me where I was going. I told her I didn't have a home. She told me to get in the car. We went to her house and she let me stay there for about 6 months. After about 1 month with me staying with her I discovered I was pregnant. And here's Jaden." I said and smiled at him as he was playing with one of the guy's phones.

  "The lady helped me get on my feet. She got me a job and helped me save up to get my own place and a decent car." I finished and Yoshinori looked at the ground.
"So... You didn't wanna help save us first?" Doyoung said and I sighed.
"I did. But as I said I only make things worse."
"Then why'd you come back?"

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