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  Why'd I come back?
I didn't come back.
At least not on my own.
That question repeated in my head all night.
I was currently in the kitchen getting a glass of water since I couldn't sleep.
Everyone else was in their rooms fast asleep.
Jaden was sleeping in Jihoon's bed tonight  and so was I.
I heard someone walking around upstairs and I figured Jihoon noticed that I was missing.

  After a few minutes the person never came down the stairs and the footsteps stopped.
I guess they went to the bathroom.
I finished my water and sat the glass in the sink.
Once I reached Jihoon's room I closed the door behind me.
I crawled into bed and let my hands search the bed for my lovely son.

  I jumped up almost immediately after I didn't feel him.
I cut the light on and saw that he wasn't in the bed room.
"Jihoon!?" I said shaking Jihoon.
He woke up and yawned.
"What?" He said rubbing his eyes.

  "Where's Jaden?" I asked and Jihoon looked around.
"Maybe he's in one of the other guy's room." He said and I heard a car start.
I rushed to the now opened window and looked out to see a black van pull off quickly.
I screamed to the top of my lungs and ran down the stairs.
Jihoon rushed after me and I heard other people coming too.
"Jessica what's wrong?" I heard Junkyu ask.
"Someone took Jaden." I said and started crying.

  I then rushed to the kitchen and grabbed the first pair of keys that I saw.
I hopped in the car that lighted up and drove off quickly without another word to the guys.
I love my son more than anything.
I'm not gonna let these people take my son.
I drove as fast as I could and still the black van wasn't in sight.
No car was.
There was nothing but woods around me when I heard a kid scream.
Jaden!? I stopped the car and tried to listen to where it was coming from.

  "Help me mom!!" The voice yelled and I automatically knew something wasn't right.
That's not my son's voice.
I got back in my car and quickly drove off.
Only to crash into a tree.
I got our quickly and looked at my tires.
My heart dropped.
Someone knows I'm here.
I took off running as I heard footsteps coming towards me.

  I kept running until I saw a small convenient store. I went inside and asked the man at the front desk for his phone.
He handed me the phone and I was about the call the cops when an officer pulled up at the store.
"Excuse me!?" I said hurrying up to him.
"Stop right there!" He said as he put his hand on his gun.
"No! Sir! Someone kidnapped my son in a black van!" I said and he looked shocked.
"What's your name?" He asked as he put his hand on his speaker.
"Don't you mean my sons name!? Can we just find my son!?" I yelled as I was in a hurry to find my son.

  "Come on." He said and we went to his car and got in.
"You said a black van?" He asked and I nodded.
"I didn't see anyone." I said and he nodded.
"Aren't you gonna call your backup squad so they can help me find my son?" I asked and sniffled after we had been driving for about 15 minutes.
"No need." He said and I scoffed.
"Yes there is a need! My son is missing!" I yelled at him and he stopped the car.

  "He's not missing...... We have Jaden."

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