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  I curled myself up into a ball after Mashiho finished beating me.
"Why do you do this?" I asked quietly and he laughed breathily.
"Why not?" He said as he shrugged.
"Now, you're free to go. And don't bother telling the guys because they'll be next. If I can kill Yoonbin, I can kill anyone." He said and I started crying silently.
"GO!" He yelled as he pointed to the ladder.
I got up as fast as I could because of the pain.

  Eventually I reached the road and I stopped o catch my breath.
"Jessica!?" A familiar voice called.
I looked up to see Junkyu and Jihoon getting out of Junkyu's car.
I ran to them and hugged both of them as the same time.
"What happened? Did Yedam do this?" Jihoon asked and I looked at him with a blank face.
"How did you know I was with Yedam?" I asked as I backed up a few feet.

  "Calm your tits. Junkyu and I checked the security footage at the hotel since we didn't know where you were." He clarified and I nodded.
"Junkyu I need to talk to you." I said as he helped me in the car.
"We're listening." Jihoon said and I bit my lip.
"He's like us Jess." Junkyu said and I nodded.
I wanna tell them that Mashiho did this to me but I don't want them to die.
How would Mashiho even know what I told them?

  "I was just gonna ask how things went between you and Hyunsuk." I said and Junkyu frowned.
I was scared and nervous but I couldn't show that because then they'd be curious.
"Kinda weird actually. He's different around me." He said and Jihoon laughed loudly.
"Jihoon." I said and gave him a serious stare telling him not to say what he was about to.
I feel like I'm being set up.
Not by Junkyu and Jihoon but the other guys.
"Can we go get ice cream?" I asked and held my hand out to Jihoon, trying to tell him that I want his phone.
"The fuck?" Jihoon said and I put my finger over my mouth.

  "Phone." I mouthed and he handed me his.
"Also I'm probably gonna have to clean up these scars." I said as I was about to type on the phone but stopped.
What if they're watching out cellphones?
Why can't I just live a normal life?
I handed Jihoon back the phone and he looked at me confused.
I shook my head with a straight face.
"Jessica? The fuck? Why are you acting weird?" Jihoon said and I face palmed.
"I'm just a bit shaken up." I sighed and sat back.

I can't tell the guys for their own safety.
Junkyu parked the car in a public parking space and I looked around confused.
"We're not going back with the others. We'll catch a cab and find a hotel a few miles away." Junkyu said and I nodded as we all got out of his car.
Junkyu pulled out his phone and got an uber.
"What's going on?" Jihoon asked and I sighed.
"It wasn't Yedam who did this to me. Yes, he set me up but believe me or not it was Mashiho." I said and Jihoon laughed and Junkyu scoffed.

"Really Jessica?" Junkyu said rolling his eyes.
"I'm serious! He said that if I told you that you guys would be next." I said and Jihoon laughed.
"Mashiho doesn't even have his own car so there's no way he can beat me." Jihoon said and I shook my head.
"Not beat, Jihoon. He's going to kill you guys. He said that if he can kill Yoonbin then he can kill anyone." I said and they looked at me with a straight face.

"No. He didn't-" Junkyu started and then stopped.
"He did! Junkyu I wouldn't play about some thing like this." I said and he nodded.
"And Yedam knows this?" Jihoon said and I nodded and shrugged.
"He has to. He set me up." I said and then Jihoon's phone started ringing.
"Hello?" He said with a frown.
"Yea we found her. But she's not stable..... No I'm gonna take her to a hospital or something..... Dude you're not a fucking doctor!..... I don't know what happened to her! She didn't say!.... I'll keep you updated." Jihoon said and then angrily hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Junkyu asked as he crossed his arms.
"Hyunsuk. He- He sounds angry. What did you do Jessica?"

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