Chapter One

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Beep, beep, beep!

"Ugh, just let me sleep," I mumbled as I slammed my hand down on my oh-so-helpful-and-sympathetic alarm clock.


"Yeah, yeah, because I don't see you doing anything," I muttered under my breath while I pushed my covers off of my body. I gasped as the cold air around me nipped at my skin, and realized that my window was still opened from yesterday.

Great, I had just woken up and sarcasm was already taking over.

I stepped into the shower, letting the hot droplets rain down on my skin. I sighed and let my muscles relax. Scrubbing my Pantene shampoo into my hair before I was satisfied, I rinsed my hair out once more before wrapping a towel around my body and walking out my bathroom, trying not to slip and bruise my butt.

Searching through my closet, I quickly pulled out a striped crop top t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and an oversized hoodie that read "Corpus Christi Cougars" on the front with a cougar symbol in the top right corner. I slipped on my clothes quickly and dashed down the stairs, nearly crashing into my older brother, Isaac.

"Oops, sorry Bro," I apologized before running downstairs and grabbing a breakfast bar from a bowl on the counter. I grabbed my car keys off of the hook next to the door and stepped outside, where the cold air bit at me like wolves at freshly killed prey.

As I pulled out of the driveway, I turned on the heater and the radio. I ramped up the volume as I heard one of my favorite songs come on.

Stone Cold - by Demi Lovato

Stone cold, stone cold

You see my standing, but I'm dying on the floor.

Stone cold, stone cold

Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore.

I sang louder as I came to the high notes, a feeling of exhilaration and peace flowing over me.

Stone cold,


God knows I try to feel.

Happy for you,

Know that I am,

Even if I

Can't understand

I'll take the pain,

Give me the truth

Me and my heart, 

We'll make it through.

I-I-I-I-I-If happy is her-er-er-er-er-er-er

I'm happy

For you

As I neared the school parking lot, I turned off the radio and rolled up my windows. The parking lot was fairly empty, probably because my lovely stepfather decided it would be a good idea to kick me out of the house even though my school didn't start for another twenty minutes.

Thanks, Frank. I'll be sure to keep this in mind whenever you want me to drive you somewhere since you don't have your license.

I decided to take a walk around the campus. If I was going to be early, I may as well put my time to use. I pushed through the doors of the entrance and looked around.

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