Chapter Two

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"Welcome to homeroom!" chirped my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Robinson. She was surprisingly young-looking (twenty-one years old) for a teacher that was working at an ancient school. With long, red hair and bright green eyes, she was eye candy for all the senior boys. Add her hourglass figure and 5'5'' height, she was the perfect person to hook up with. I almost felt sorry for her because of all of the boys drooling after her, but all of the senior guys were pretty hot, so I had to give her some credit.

Lucas was sitting next to me, talking with one of his friends, Ryder Williams. Ryder was a tall, muscular guy, probably around 6'3''. He had dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes and wore dark colors. His black hoodie concealed most of his face, but from what Lucas has told me, he's pretty fun to be around once he opens up to you.

They were talking together in low voices, shooting glances at me every now and then. After about a minute of them just quickly glancing and looking away from me, I cleared my throat. "Can I help you?" I asked sweetly.

Ryder shot me a sheepish smile. "Just trying to figure out how I don't get my ass whooped by you, since apparently you're more badass than you look."

I smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, but if you're a friend, then I'll probably just be kicking the asses of people who actually piss me off."

Both of the boys let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you, Jesus!" Lucas crowed. "I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon me today."

I raised an eyebrow. "Bestowed?" I repeated. "Seriously, Lucas? We're in the 21st century, not the 1500s."

"Midget, expanding my vocabulary isn't going to hurt anyone, you know that, right?" He flashed me a dimpled smiled, making me blush a little. Hey, even if he was my only friend here, he was still cute!

I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout, trying to gain some sympathy points. "Shut up, my name's Natalia, not Midget. And I'm not that tiny! I'm five feet and four inches tall!"

"Yeah, whatever," Lucas waved his hand in the air dismissively. "To-may-toe, to-mah-toe. Big difference, nobody cares."

"Listen to the teacher, Natalia!" Ryder scolded me playfully. I slapped him gently on the arm in response before turning back to the lesson.

"Don't forget to take your schedules with you to each class, just in case you get lost. Alright, class dismissed! Have a nice day, everybody."

I scooted out of my seat and high-tailed it out of the classroom like my butt was on fire. 

"Hey, Midget! Wait up!"

I slowed and turned around to see Lucas casually walking in my direction. "We have math together, which is in the other direction!" 

Sighing, I walked back to him and followed him to the math class, where I saw Ryder and two other guys (one with dark brown hair and the other with jet-black) that I didn't know, along with a girl with brunette hair sitting next to Ryder. "Over here, guys!" Ryder waved, pointing to the two empty seats at the table. 

I took an empty seat and sat down, Lucas doing the same. 

"Are you going to introduce yourself or something?" Lucas asked teasingly. "I mean, you must have been at least decently smart to get into the higher math class, so there's something."

"Shut up," I muttered, shooting him a glare.

"Ooh, I like this girl already!" the other girl at the table laughed. Turning to me, she introduced herself to me. "Hey, I'm Meaghan, but you can just call me Meg. Ryder's my boyfriend, and he told me that you're pretty badass."

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