Chapter Nine

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The next few days were pretty uneventful. I stayed cooped up in my room, feeling too sick to do anything, scared that somebody would take advantage of me again. The memories of Kyle haunted me everywhere; he was in my dreams, my thoughts, everything.

Lucas and Isaac took turns bringing me food, which I forced down my throat. Every bite tasted like sawdust, every swallow feeling like my throat was on fire and burning.

Lily called me a few days later. "You were so right!" she screamed into the speaker, and I dropped the phone like a hot potato.

"Please explain to me why you woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to tell me that I was right about something," I groaned, rubbing my ear, which was still ringing. "And please tell me why you screamed in my ear. I was having a perfectly good time sleeping until you decided to wake me up."

Lily laughed on the other side of the receiver. "I just finished season three of Greenhouse, and you were so right! It's freaking amazing," she said, emphasizing the syllables of amazing. "And I can't believe they left me on a cliffhanger, like, seriously! I need to know if Hayley lives or not, as soon as possible." She let out another screech, and I cringed at the loud noise. 

"Shut up," I muttered, rubbing my eyes. "You're telling me that you woke me up at," I looked at the clock, "three-oh-six in the morning, to tell me that you can't wait for season four to come out? I mean, I told you that it was good, but you don't have to wake me up this early just to tell me that I was right."

She snorted. "Whatever, drama queen. Things like these need to be shared between best friends, m'kay? Got it?" she asked, speaking as somebody would speak to a little child who didn't understand how to do subtraction.

I hung up on her, too tired to reply. Then I fell asleep again, relishing the comfort of the soft pillows and the fluffy blanket. "This place is way better than when Frank was around," I murmured to myself before sleep took over me.


It felt like just a few seconds before I woke up to my alarm clock beeping. "Ugh," I muttered, rolling over and trying to find the button to turn the stupid thing off without opening my eyes. Without any success, I grabbed the alarm clock and threw it across the room, half smiling as I heard the satisfying sound of silence for about 0.1 seconds before it started beeping again.

"Oh my God," I huffed, forcing myself up from my bed before stomping over to the still-beeping clock. It was mangled, yet it was still beeping. Sighing, I grabbed a shoe from the closet, smirking and imagining my victory when I saw the huge heel attached to the bottom of it. I smashed the alarm clock repeatedly before I heard some silence.

Sighing with relief, I walked back over to the bed, ready to get some more sleep even though it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Oh. My. Freaking. Jesus. Christ." I uttered, slowly turning around to see my enemy.

The door suddenly slammed open, and the beeping stopped, the clock crushed behind the door. Lucas ran inside, his face wild with panic. "What happened? Are you okay?" he asked frantically, looking around the room in a frenzy before jogging over to me and checking me for something. "Are you injured? Is anything hurting?" 

I shot him a dirty look. "You killed the clock before I got to. I was about to get my revenge, and you killed it before I had a shot!" I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. "Not cool."

He gave me an exasperated look in response. "Seriously?" he asked incredulously. "You're kidding me, right? I thought somebody came in here and shot you or kidnapped you or something like that, but you were destroying an innocent alarm clock?"

"It was not innocent!" I protested indignantly. "It deprived me of my sleep! Do you know how grumpy I am if I don't get enough sleep?"

Lucas shook his head and replied, "No, but I probably don't want to find out."

I nodded in satisfaction, still frustrated with the stupid alarm clock. "Exactly."

"Well, it's time for you to go back to school, you know," Lucas sighed, running his fingers through his messy hair. "I mean, Meaghan literally asks where you are every day, and it's been a week since you've gone to school. You have to get over it and go to school already, bitch."

Frowning, I chewed on the bottom of my lip. "First off, don't call me a bitch. That's a girl thing, and even though you scream like a girl, you are not a girl. Second of all, I literally would have so much schoolwork to catch up on if I went back, and I'm the laziest ass that you'll ever meet. Third, I hate school." I shrugged and plopped back down on the soft mattress. "Never gonna go back; you can't make me."

Lucas smirked. "Is that I challenge that I just heard? Because if it is, then I gladly accept."

I groaned and threw a pillow at him, smacking him on the face. "Shut up and leave me alone, asshole. Beautiful faces don't come without sleep."

"Yours does," he sang, rolling off of the bed and walking out. "Also, breakfast is almost over," he called from over his shoulder, flashing me the loser sign before he was gone from my sight.

"Well, shit," I muttered, cursing my growling stomach while slipping on my slippers and following him out.

"The pancakes are gone!" Lucas shouted from the kitchen, and I sprinted down from the stairs, desperate for food.

"They're mine, asshole! Stay away from the pancakes!"


I know, I know, super-duper short chapter. I'm sorry, pweese forgive meh. I'm trying to update this book, plus two other books on (follow me at jaynafeather), plus another book that I'm working on (I'll probably finish about half of it before I publish it, so that y'all don't complain about late updates haha).

What's your favorite food? Mine is probably either Nutella (yes, I know, typical answer) and/or sushi (I DON'T CARE WHAT THE HATERS SAY ABOUT RAW FISH BEING DISGUSTING, SUSHI IS FRICKING DELICIOUS.)

Lots of love XOXO Petalleaf

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