Chapter Fourteen

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Please make me smile and take a few seconds to click the little star at the top <3

"What?" Lily screamed in surprise. "You're kidding, right?"

Shaking my head, I leaned back against the soft pillows on the couch. "I don't joke about this stuff just for the fun of it, Lil," I retorted. 

"If this was a joke, then it would be the most screwed up joke I've ever heard. Lucas' dad and your mom? I mean, not to judge since I haven't met either of them, but still! My ship would go down the drain if you guys just became stepbrothers and stepsisters," she muttered, shaking her head in confusion.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Ew, me dating Lucas? Nasty," I gagged, sticking my tongue out.

She shrugged and bounced up from the couch. "C'mon, we've gotta tell Lucas and Jake and Isaac and the police and the pet fish, if they even have a fish, and the school, and Jessica, and my mom and dad, and my brother Kyle, and the nerd group, and the science teacher--" she took a deep gasp of air before continuing,"--and Mr. Conway, and the librarian, and... and... and..."

"And no one," I finished, glaring at her while trying not to laugh. "If Lucas and Jake and my brother all found out, they're gonna flip. I'm not telling them unless it's a life or death situation."

Lily pursed her lips. "I dunno..." she muttered doubtfully, raising an eyebrow. "They should know, especially when Lucas was already expecting his dad to come. I mean, he should at least know that his dad was here, right?"

I shook my head firmly. "Nope. Not a peep from you unless you want to die in the near future, got it?"

"Fine," she sighed before turning back on Netflix and re-gluing her eyes to the screen.


"And of course, we're all looking forward to the drama auditions today, as well as another ice-skating championship in the very near future!" Principal Brooks boomed, chuckling. His beer belly bounced, and I mentally cringed. 

"Ice-skating champion?" I muttered into Lily's ear, confused. "I didn't know that there was ice-skating here."

She smirked. "Yeah, the champion just happens to be your future boyfriend, Lucas Xavier Goodall."

I blew a strand of stray hair out of my face, huffing with annoyance. "Shut up," I muttered, my cheeks flaming with embarrassment. "We're not going to be dating, we're just friends."

"Tell that to the one who called me last night and asked me about all the things that you like to do," Lily retorted, a look of triumph on her face. 

"You're lying," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and slouching down in the stiff plastic chair, keeping my eyes fixed on the assembly going on in front of us. "You just don't want your ship to sink, even though it didn't even leave the dock."

She pouted. "Frick off," she retorted, subtly giving me the finger.

"Whoa there," I laughed, flipping her off in return. "You might get in trouble for that sort of crude language. Like, frick? Mm-mm, that's a no-no word right there.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Why am I friends with you," she muttered, tilting her head back to stare at the ceiling. 

"You love me," I sang, smirking annoyingly. "Plus, I introduced you to Greenhouse Academy, so I basically saved your sorry ass. We're gonna start watching Miraculous next," I joked.

Rolling her eyes, she slapped me at me. "Don't get me hooked up on a seven-year-old cartoon show, sister. You're going to regret it, I swear."

"I'll bet you a hundred bucks that you're going to get addicted," I countered, smirking and pulling out my emergency money from my phone case.

"Then you're going to be a hundred dollars poorer when I'm asleep on the couch from watching ladybugs fly around," she retorted cockily, returning my confident smirk.

I turned on my phone and my clicked Netflix. "Alright then." Clicking on the Miraculous icon on Netflix, I sat back and blocked out the assembly noise by plugging in my earbuds. "You're on."


"Fork the hundred dollars over," I demanded when the bell rang. "I want the money."

Lily snorted and rolled her eyes. "In your dreams, Aguirre."

"Hey!" a voice called from behind us. Turning around, I saw Austin jogging over to us. "We have to go to Jessica's house today, so I told her that I would pick you up. You coming?"

I shrugged and turned to Lily. "Sorry, guess you'll have some time to go to the bank while I'm gone." Blinking up at Austin, I walked over and smiled. "Let's go then!"

He laughed, "A little eager, are we?"

I blushed and hit him lightly on the arm. "Shut up, asshole."

"Language, missy," he reprimanded jokingly, chuckling. He tugged on my arm and pulled me in the direction of a black Mustang. 

"Oh my God!" I squealed excitedly. "You've gotta let me drive this sometime, please please please please please?" I pleaded in excitement. "This exact kind of Mustang has been my dream car since like, third grade. You have to let me drive it!"

Austin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, we'll see," he murmured. "Get in the passenger's seat," he added pointedly as he sat down behind the wheel.

After a lot of grumbling and complaining, I finally sat down and stuck out my bottom lip in a pout. "Party pooper," I mumbled indirectly under my breath.

"I heard that," Austin replied, keeping his eyes on the road. His foot pressed on the gas pedal as we crossed the highway, and I looked outside to the blurring landscape.

Ah, mood swings were such a joy.

Eventually, we pulled up in front of a huge house. Well, a house was an understatement. The mansion, more of, had white marble pillars in the front, with a lush green garden filled with exotic flowers. The front door had stained glass as the windows and twisted lamp posts lining the stone walkway. "This is where she lives?" I breathed in awe as I stepped out of the car.

Austin nodded. "Surprise, surprise," he muttered sarcastically under his breath.

"Yeah, surprises are all that seem to pop up nowadays," I remarked absentmindedly. "And I guess coming to Jessica's castle can be considered one of them."

"Now, let's not get too cocky. After all, I'm kind of the cause of why you are even here," he countered. "I mean, I'm your only friend, after all."

I snorted. "Believe it or not, I actually made more friends than just some golden boy jock on my first day of school. I guess new girls are popular around here," I retorted, smirking.

Austin leaned against the car casually. "There's a lot you don't know about me yet, because I'm not a golden boy at all."

"In fact, you could say that I'm more of a badboy."

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