Chapter Three

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After about two more hours of hell, it was finally time for lunch. I sent up a quick prayer of thanks to the Lord before walking outside and sitting down to eat my lunch.

Lucas had already instructed me where the "group" sat for lunch; right behind the cafeteria under a willow tree. According to Mr. Know-It-All, I would know where to go if I "followed my instincts".

Lucas, the philosopher.

I stood in the cafeteria lunch line for about five minutes before taking my lunch. "Thank you," I said to the lunch lady working behind the counter. She gave me a surprised look before shooting me a grateful, weary smile.

Walking behind the cafeteria, the first thing I noticed was that there were people everywhere. I scanned the area, straining to catch a glimpse of somebody that I knew. 

Guess it was time to take Lucas' advice and "follow my instincts".

Closing my eyes, I decided to keep walking straight. Knowing Lucas, he was probably a very simplistic person, so he probably just chose a random place to sit. If I wandered around long enough, I would find them sooner or later.

Ten minutes of wandering later, I finally found them. They were sitting under a willow tree, just like Lucas had said. Meaghan waved to me, motioning for me to sit next to her.

"Hey Natalia!" she exclaimed once I had sat down. "How did you like Language Arts?"

I laughed out loud. "Meg, you sound like my mom," I laughed. "Nobody asks about school except for annoying parents."

Beside me, Lucas nodded wisely. "Ah yes, you have an annoying parent. That must be where you get your annoyingness."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Shut up. It's not like you're much better."

Lucas shrugged and gave me a cheeky smile. "Whatever. I'm still taller than you, Midget."

I fake-frowned. "Would it kill you to call me by my real name?"

He mimicked my frown. "Already forgot that one."

Meg poked my shoulder. "Hey, when's your free period?"

I checked my schedule. "Sixth," I replied.

"Woohoo!" she cheered. "Can you meet at Daisy's during your free? Ryder and I are going; you can invite some of your friends to come too."

"Meg, I just got here. You guys are the only friends I've made so far."

She laughed in response. "Well, with that attitude, you're going to make some enemies pretty quickly."

I shrugged. "What can I say? The haters are just jealous because I'm better than them."

"I would beg to differ," Lucas butted in rudely.

"Shut up, no one was asking for your opinion, Tall Person," I retorted.

"Tall Person? Is that the best that you could come up with, Midget?"

I scoffed. "Says the one who thinks that the nickname 'Midget' is original."

Ryder broke into the conversation. "Sorry to break up the playfulness, but do you want to come to Daisy's with us or not? Because if you don't, I can think of much better things to do, like skipping class and going to my house." He wiggled his eyebrows knowingly at Meaghan, who blushed profusely.

"I don't know what he's talking about, I swear," she mumbled, her cheeks splotched with red patches of embarrassment.

I laughed knowingly. "Yeah, because that's totally believable. And yeah, I'll come, if you tell me where this Daisy's place is."

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