Chapter Sixteen

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Isaac's car pulled up in front of the mansion at precisely 9:00 p.m. I grumbled and got into the car. "Thanks," I muttered to him sarcastically. "Because I really just wanted to be a social outcast today."

"You're welcome, bitch," he shot back humorlessly. "I just saved your ass from getting raped again."

I rolled my eyes and turned toward the window, watching the mansion get smaller and smaller. Austin was nowhere to be found. I felt a small prick of disappointment at that. Shit. I can't like him.

I pulled out my phone and texted Meg.

Me: just got pulled out of the queen bitch's house

Meg: yayy come watch netflix with me and ry

Me: um no not yay i was gonna go to a party but my bro pulled me out of it cuz he was "concerned" for me

Meg: oof

Me: thanks for the sympathy

Meg: mhm np. gtg ryder is here

Me: don't forget 2 wear protection (;

Meg: shut up bish

Me: love you even tho u dont cuss

I smiled and turned off my phone. Trust the bitches to make me smile.


As soon as we got home, Isaac sat me down on an island stool and sat across from me. "We need to have a chat," he said, seriousness written all over his face.

I sighed. "About what?"

Isaac leaned forward and put his elbows on the counter, letting a long silence drag out as he stared at me. "Why didn't you tell me Mom was here?" he asked finally, certainty and a little bit of sadness in his voice.

Freezing, I looked back at him, trying to stay calm. "Who told you that?" I asked sharply. "Nobody but Lilly and I were here."

"And Lucas," Isaac reminded me. "He saw the whole thing from his room. He decided to tell me today because he didn't want to tell you that you had been found out. Also, he's a little hurt that you and your friend decided to try and keep such big news a secret."

Pain stabbed at my chest. Betrayed by one of my best friends. 


"Where is he?" I asked quietly, looking down at my dangling feet.

Isaac jerked his thumb to upstairs, Lucas' room, his eyebrows straight and his eyes cool stone, unreachable. "Go," he uttered before walking off to his temporary room. "Before you make things worse than you already have made them."

I sighed and began to walk up the stairs slowly, trying to stall for time as I thought of what to say to him. I felt bad, I really did. But he had to understand that I had been trying to protect him.

Finally reaching his bedroom door, I rapped my knuckles against the wood lightly. "It's Natalia," I called, my voice shaking. 

There was no response.

"Lucas?" I asked tentatively. "Are you in there?"

There was still no noise from inside.

"Lucas?" I pleaded once more. "Please, talk to me."

There was no response, and I was getting frustrated. 

"You know what?" I burst out. "If you're not going to let me in so that we can talk face to face, then I'm just going to sit here in the middle of that hallway and look like a total psychopath. I'm just gonna talk in the middle of the hallway, and hopefully, nobody walks by and looks at me and thinks that I'm on drugs and I'm just randomly ranting and apologizing to myself.

"So you know what? Let's just get this out of the way. I'm sorry for everything, I'm so fucking sorry. I've been a total bitch to you lately and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about your dad coming over, but my mom was with him, my fucking mom! Do you know how long it's been since I've seen my mom? Almost two months, two fucking months! So I'm sorry that I kept that from you, I was just trying to protect you because I know that you basically hate your father. I would never try to hurt you, I swear it on my life. And I know, I'm a bitch, you were right, but please don't take this personally. I don't hate you; if anything, you hate me now," I ranted, gasping for breath. I wiped at my face, not realizing that I had been crying.

"I'm sorry," I breathed out before full-out bursting out in tears. Waterfalls flowed down my cheeks and clung to my eyelashes. My chest heaved as I gasped for breath in big gulps of air. My stomach cramped and eventually, I was cried out of tears, yet I was still crying without tears. For about half an hour, I was curled up in a ball, leaning against the cool wall.

"Shit," I heard a voice curse from inside of the room. I lifted my head in surprise as I recognized Lucas' voice.

"Lucas?" I asked, knocking on the door. "Is that you?"

Then I heard something from inside of Lucas' room.

A gunshot.

Followed by a scream of agony.


hehe i love cliffhangers UwU they make up for short chapters

please vote and comment if you haven't already! it would mean a lot to me if you added this book to your library :)

XOXO Petalleaf

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