Chapter Six

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"Lucas?" I asked with disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?"

My friend crossed his arms over his broad chest. "I think the right question to ask is, what are you doing here? This is my house, after all."

I gaped at him in shock. "Your... house?" I managed to stutter out. "You live here? But this is the area where all the rich people live," I finished, my voice trailing off in confusion.

Lucas shrugged. "Jake told me we had some guests coming over. I just didn't expect one of them to look this hot." He smirked at me, raising an eyebrow while checking me out thoroughly.

I rolled my eyes. "You're so shameless, it's pathetic." I gave him a teasing look and asked, "Are you going to show me around or should I just stay out here in the cold?"

He motioned me to come in. "Yeah, maybe I'll show you my room first." He wiggled his eyebrows knowingly at me.

I snorted and slapped him lightly on the arm. "Shut up, you're my friend, not my next hook-up."

Lucas simply shrugged and replied, "Hey, you're my hot friend, so it could still work. I mean, Ryder and Meaghan are together."

"What did I say about you shutting up?" I laughed. "Show me the whole house, Tall Person."

Lucas snorted, "You really should get me a new nickname." He shot me a sly glance, "Maybe you could change it to 'boyfriend', yeah?"



"And that's the kitchen," Lucas said, a bored expression plastered on his face. "You can start fangirling over all of the food, I guess. I mean, you thought that the couches in the sunroom were the most amazing thing in the world, so anything is possible."

I opened the cabinets curiously. "Oh my gosh, you have Nutella in here?" I squealed excitedly. I looked behind me at Lucas. "Can I have it?" I asked, blushing.

Lucas smirked as he walked closer to me. "Well, I don't know. Can you? I mean, you are technically physically able. But will I let you, that's the question."

"Smart-aleck," I mumbled, rolling my eyes. "What do you want for it?"

My friend's smirk grew even wider. "Well, there are a number of things that I can think of."

"What happened to the weird guy from school that asked me what was wrong?" I wondered out loud. "You just sound like a random player now, Tall Guy."

"You know, you should really shorten my nickname. 'Tall Guy' is kind of a mouthful to say, Nat. Also, the person at school and the person at home are two very different versions of me. I prefer to keep my dirty thoughts to myself, you know." He shrugged and added, "But hey, if one of the hottest girls in the class wants to be my friend, why not just push it to the limits? I promise I'll be more annoying from now on."

I huffed out a breath. "Gee, thanks. I think." I looked up and him and gave Lucas my best sad-puppy-dog eyes. "Can I have the Nutella? Pleeeeeeeeeeease? Pretty please with sugar on top?"

When I saw the change in his attitude, I inwardly patted myself on the back. Works every time, I thought to myself as Lucas silently handed me the Nutella jar. "Yay, thank you!" I squealed, unscrewing the tub of chocolate-hazelnut heaven.

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