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"She's beautiful."

I smirked. "Well thank you, brother. I'm glad you finally realized that I'm pretty."

Isaac rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his new baby girl, who was held precariously in Myla's arms. So far, the little red wrinkly thing hadn't stopped crying, but I guess it was music to my brother's ears, because he was looking at that baby like it was worth more than me.

Which was obviously not true.

"What should we name her?" Myla asked softly, trying to keep the baby's cries at a tolerable level of noise. 

Isaac shrugged. "You went through the birth process, it's only fair that you should get to choose her name."

"Well, I'm the mother and you're the father, which makes us both equals, so you should help me out here so that we can say that we both named the baby together when she's famous," Myla shot back, rolling her eyes in exasperation as Isaac prepared to argue back. "Don't argue. I'm the woman, so I make the choices here," she said with finality before going back to stroking the baby's bald head.

Isaac muttered a string of curses under his breath, something along the lines of goddamn women. I cleared my throat and jerked my thumb to Myla, who was cooing something to the now semi-quiet baby. "Are you going to name it, or are we just going to be calling the baby by pronouns for the rest of her life?"

"Shut up," he muttered. "I'm trying to think of a good name."

I rolled my eyes. "Well," I retorted, "aren't you just a bucket of joy right now."

Isaac's eyes lit up. "That's it!"

Myla turned to look at us, her eyes filled in confusion as Isaac ran up to her. "What's it?" she asked, perplexed. "Is there going to be another house burning down?" she weakly joked, referring back to what we now called the "Ramen Fire." 

I shrugged and motioned to my brother, who was muttering something under his breath that sounded like a mix between a curse and a spell from a witch's potion book. "What the hell is going on, Isaac?" I asked him finally.

"I figured out what to name the baby," he replied triumphantly, a look of pride written all over his face.

"That's great, so are you going to tell us or what?" I asked impatiently, rapping my knuckles on the butcher block countertop.

Isaac smiled. 

"Her name is Joy," he declared with finality.

Myla grinned. "I like that," she said, her face brightening. "Because she's a bucket of joy."

I smiled fondly and walked over to Joy, who was now surprisingly quiet. "Welcome to the family, Joy," I whispered down to her small body.

"Joy Aguirre," Myla echoed, her eyes lost in thought. "Welcome to the family."

My phone buzzed, and I saw that Jake was calling me. "Be right back," I promised. "It's just Jake."

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, picking up the phone.

"I just wanted to make sure that Myla was alright with the baby," he said, his voice laced with excitement.

"Yeah, she's fine, and so's the baby. We named her Joy," I informed him, smiling at the thought of my new niece.

I could almost see Jake's smile on the other end of the phone. "I can't wait to meet her. I'll bet she looks beautiful."

"Um, actually, she kinda looks like a bald monkey."


There you have it, ladies and gentlemen!

We are officially at the end of the book. I know that the last two chapters were really short, but that's because I wasn't really motivated to write and I got writer's block and stuff.

I'm sorry that most of you probably didn't get a desired ending, but I will probably post another chapter explaining what happened to the characters after the book ends, just so that you can feel a little better ;)

I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget! Always follow your dreams.

Petalleaf xx

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