Chapter Twenty-One

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also myla you're going to love this chapter hehe le revenge ish sweet



"Remind me why Mom and Larry eloped when she was pregnant with Nick's baby," I groaned, rubbing my temples.

Isaac shrugged. "Don't ask me," he said. His wife, Myra, sat next to him, trying not to laugh.

I was actually surprised when he first introduced me to her. My brother normally never dated, since he was determined to stay "single for the rest of his life," as he used to put it. But with black, curly hair and dark brown eyes with long eyelashes, she was definitely one of the prettiest girls I had ever met. Plus, she was super fun to hang around. Especially when we got into heated arguments about Nutella. 

I will never understand why she thought that Nutella wasn't a food. I mean, Nutella should have its own food group!

I narrowed my eyes at her playfully. "What's so funny?" I asked, pouting. "My mom just ran off with a guy she hooked up with twice, she's already four months into her pregnancy, Nick is burying himself in work and forcing Jake to cook for him! Nick's gonna get food poisoning, which I'm fine with, but what about Jake? Who knows what stuff he puts in that food?"

Myra rolled her eyes. "It'll be fine," she promised, leaning closer to Isaac. "There's always new life around the corner." She exchanged a secretive glance with my brother before looking back at me. "Should we tell her?" she asked my brother in a low voice.

He nodded. "You wanna say it?"

She shook her head and motioned to my brother. "You tell her. She's your sister."

I muttered a few curse words under my breath. "Speaking of unknown stuff," I grumbled. "Spill the tea, lovebirds."

Isaac took a deep breath before exhaling in my face. I wrinkled my nose. "Brush your teeth, asshole," I half-joked.

Isaac shot me a look of annoyance. "Way to ruin the moment, Talia."

I shrugged casually. "What can I say? It's one of my many talents that God blessed me with."

"I still can't believe you went back to being a Christian, especially after everything that happened," Isaac mumbled under his breath. 

Myra punched him softly. "Shut up. You're married to a Christian right here, mister." She pursed her lips. "And I was technically the one who introduced her back to Jesus."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," he said, rolling his eyes. "Back to the topic at hand." He looked back at me and propped his elbows up on the table. Taking a deep breath, he finally opened his mouth and said two words that would change my life forever.

"Myra's pregnant."

I stared at him in shock before squealing at the top of my lungs. "Oh my fucking God!" I swore, screaming in excitement. "Is it a boy or a girl? Do you know what to name it? Ohemgee!" I hugged Myra tightly. "Congrats!" I smirked and added, "Now you're going to be raising two babies." I gestured to Isaac, laughing.

Isaac rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he muttered.


I'm sorry, it's a really short chapter, but I'm running out of ideas so this book is gonna be ending soon. UwU no, there's not going to be a sequel.

Petalleaf xx

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