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Jaune abandon his dream to become a huntsman, his dream was shattered after one certain incident. His faked transcripts was revealed and almost everyone begin to hate him. The ones who didn't hate him was Velvet and Ozpin with the teacher's of Beacon, however, that support didn't help Jaune. The students and his own team begin to mentally tormented him, on the fight class, students keep beating him to a pulp. He leaved Beacon on the second day after revealing, he begin his journey to find his destiny, hiding from the Beacon search party's and surviving in the woods.
In the Beacon, Ozpin felt regret, he didn't prevent this to happen, so he did a right choice, he reveal a camera footage of the saving Cardin from the ursa. He disband Cardin after that, for blackmailing and ruining other life. Many student felt deep regret and many started to volunteer to be a part of the search party, but Ozpin disagree, he thinks, that they make the things bad, because Jaune propably doesn't want to meet the people who tormented him. He sent a search party of the team TRQ and tell them if they find Jaune, bring him to Ozpin for a proper sorry. But that is never happened.

In the woods, Jaune was walking, he doesn't know where, but he walking. His mind was full of the offence phrases, beatings... He need to clear his mind. His legs are working nonstop for a day now, stomping the forest floor with every step. The crocea mors are no longer his pride, he thinks that he didn't deserved it, that the sword is not his, but someone else. The search party don't get this deep in the forest, so he can sigh of the relief. But he has a question - where is all the grimm ? From the point of stepping in the forest, he didn't found any of grimm, they are like dissapeares from the face of the Remnant. His bag was filled with berries and wild fruits that he was eating, his has a sleeping bag on his back, a torch on his hip and a dust lighter. His thoughts about his problems was distracted by the noise, that he didn't heard before. It sounds like a howl, but more distorted, this howl didn't belong to any grimm that he know. He quickly stops and kneeled to the ground, taking his sword in his hands. He begin to listening, he heard a bird noises, the rustling, under the force of wind, leafs. But after the two minutes, after he let his guard out, he head a most terrifying sound in his life right next to him. He quickly turned around, before his face met with the claw. The claw slashed his face vertically, trough his left eye, from wounds, blood begin to drip. Jaune saw the creature, that creature looked like a skinny wolf, but with no jaw and muzzle, it's have a purple skin with a pink fur on its back, a glowing yellow eyes, long sharp ears, a long tail. The body of the creature are filled with the glowing yellow lines. The creature leaped at Jaune, but he quickly dodged. Jaune swing his sword at the creature's back and hit it. A creature now, has a long wound on its back, but Jaune saw that the wound was quickly regenerate. The creature turned around and tried to slash him by it's claw, but Jaune blocked it with a shield. He kept to delivering slashes and cuts on the creature, but wounds was quickly healing up, the creature was trying to slashing him with claws, but Jaune blocked or dodging every claw slash. Jaune started to feel tired from the fight, his sword and shield has a blood from his own face. The blood from his wounds begin to blocking his vision. His body was filled with the adrenaline and in one very accurate swing, he cut of it's head. The body will no longer healed, and the corpse of creature begin to turning to ash, leaving the skeleton. Jaune was tired, he limped to the nearest tree and sit. He was breathing hardly from the fight, he noticed that he's left eye are no longer seeing. He begin to lose consciousness. Before that happened, he saw a golden, blurry figure in his vision, and a mighty voice:

"You can't die today, my son"

Said the voice. Jaune Arc lost his consciousness.

Jaune Arc - The Second Primarch (Volume One)Where stories live. Discover now