Chapter sixteen - Rage

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Tensions are rising. Lightbringers declared war with Atlas for attempting to murder Jaune Arc. Jaune made his point - he will kill anyone, who will fight and oppose astartes. One day later, Jaune already have a plan, a plan to capture the floating rock where Atlas is. Father taught him a very ancient, but effective strategy. Space marine will fight in the Atlas, meanwhile  angler marines will kill garrison in Mantle. Marines started to load themselves in the thunderhawks, and terminators strapped themselves with the cables, under the thunderhawk. (If you don't understand what i meant, watch first second of the final mission of Cod Advanced warfare).
All terminator are equipped with the auto cannons. Jaune knew, the squadrons of space marines will get into air fight, terminators is for additional support for thunderhawks. Thirty gunships, filled with the space marines and having terminators strapped to them with cables, lift off the ground and started to make their way to the Atlas in formation.

*Five minutes later*

They are now below the ocean, near Atlas. Pilots detected multiple signals on the auspex radars, the Atlas's fleet. Jaune was confused: he knows about numbers of ships in the fleet, why are there that small amount of ships ? Only  two destroyers and many atlesian mantas and dropships. Did Atlas underestimate him, or not ? No matter, he have a battle to fight. He ordered thunderhawks to attack the intercepting fleet.

Thunderhawk's engines roared with the mechanical screech, gunship's lascannons begins to heating up, and terminators assault cannon's barrel blocks begins to rotating. First shot was on the Atlas's side, one manta launched missile at the leading thunderhawk. Missile hitts right side of the gunship, but left a scorched mark. Thunderhawks begins firing their own weapons. Lascannon's beams is breaks through the armor, giving massive amount of damage to the mantas and dropships, but assault cannon is tearing them apart, like a knife through the batter. Terminators started to shoot as well at the incoming aircrafts, or aircrafts that gets behind gunships. During the battle, Jaune had lost three gunships. They were shot down, bu the enemy's missiles, that hits engines. As they falling down, terminator unstrapped himself, and started to fall down with the marines, that started to abandon gunship. Before they hit water surface they closed vox grills. They goes underwater, where angler marines with gliders picked the up, and lead to safety. Atlesian fleet was no more, gunships are destroyed and destroyers were obliterated by the strafing runs, with the missiles. Remaining gunships continued their way, and started to see their destination - the Atlas city. As they reached the city, AA guns started to shooting, but quickly gets destroyed. Gunships begins to unload marines and terminator on the field. Marines started to make their way.

City was in chaos, people started to run from the invasion force, that was running at full speed towards them, with raised swords and weapons. But giants was killing AKs and soldiers that shooting at them. They leaved police officers and surrendering soldiers alive and take them in custody. The main city's street was blocked with the soldiers, with grenade and missile launchers. Terminators steps in and started to walk menacingly towards the enemy, that was trying to shoot them with the rockets and grenades.

 Terminators steps in and started to walk menacingly towards the enemy, that was trying to shoot them with the rockets and grenades

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But cataphractii armor is too thick.

The battle laster for five hours and was finishing. Space marines begins to storm the council of Atlas's building, where they executed all council members, except Ironwood who surrendered. The battle was finished. But Jaune still have a dialogue with the Ironwood. He saw him, on the knees, with hands raised.

"Get up, you aren't our enemy"

Ironwood sigh with the relief and raised himself.

"James, i noticed one certain thing, the Atlas military has great fleet, so where are other ships ?"

"Ah... I ordered them to stand down... Other were ordered by other council members, I knew that this battle will lead to massacre, so i ordered them to stand down..."

He said. Jaune placed his armored hand on his shoulder and said:

"Vise decision, but one more thing... Where's Schnees ?"

"They are hiding in the Vault, under the Academy"

"Very well, i should pay them... A little visit"

*Ten minutes later*

Jaune opened vault doors and met dust bullets, hitting his armor and bouncing. He saw Weiss with her rapier, pointed at him, Winter and Jacques with the handguns, pointed at him. Jaune knows for sure, this is going to a very long talk. He closed vault door behind him.

(And these little ancient strategy... Is blitzkrieg, very fast warfare, without chances of enemy to recover from neverending attacks, and neverending flanking maneuvers)

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