Chapter two - training

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The Emperor started Jaune's training, after he implanted him with the nineteen different implants: The secondary heart or maintainer, Osmodula, implant for engineering human growth with the special diet, biscopea, the implant that increase the combat ability and survivability to the inhuman level, haemastamen, the implant alters an human blood biochemical composition to carry oxygen and nutrients more efficiently, this implant change the blood colour to the brighter shade of red then normal blood because of its greatly increased oxygen-carrying capacity. Larraman's organ create a Larraman's cells, that act like body platelets, serving to clot the blood lost from wounds, but acts faster. Catalepsean node is 'cuts in' upod detecting a rise of stress and fatigue hormones, this allows Jaune to consciously 'switch off' sections of the brain sequentially, while remaining awake and alert.
Preomnor is a pre-stomach implant that used for biochemically analysing ingested materials and neutralizing most known biochemical and inorganic toxins, and many others that remain unknown save for their toxic effects. Deadly poisons are either neutralised or isolated from the digestive tract by the Preomnor. Omophagea is implant that allows allows the Astartes to gain part of an individual person's or creature's memory by eating its flesh. Multi-lung is able to absorb oxygen from environments usually too poor in oxygen to allow normal human respiratory functioning. Breathing is accomplished through a sphincter implanted into the trachea, allowing all three lungs to be used at full capacity. In toxic environments, a similar muscle closes off the normal lungs, thus oxygen is absorbed exclusively by the Multi-lung, which then filters out the poisonous or toxic elements. The Multi-lung has highly efficient toxin dispersal systems. Occulobe is implant that provides hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable Jaune's eyes to have visual acuity that is far superior to that of baseline humans and they can see in low-light conditions and near-darkness almost as well as in bright daylight. Lyman's ear implant's improved inner ear structure make Jaune immune to dizziness or motion sickness but it also allows Jaune to consciously filter out and greatly enhance certain sounds over the capabilities of normal human hearing. Sus-an membrane is used for to enter a state of suspended animation, consciously or as an automatic reaction to extreme trauma, keeping Jaune alive for Terran years, even if he has suffered otherwise mortal wounds. Melanochrome. This hormonal implant is attached to the human lymphatic system and controls the amount of melanin in a Jaune's skin. Exposure to high levels of sunlight will result in his skin naturally darkening to compensate. It also protects Jaune from other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Oolitic kidney implanted within the new Jaune's abdominal cavity and it becomes a part of the his excretory system, an emergency detoxification organ that allows Jaune to survive exposure through the respiration, tactile contact or ingestion of poisons, toxins and gases that are too powerful for even his rugged immune system to normally process without this organ's help. Neuroglottis will work when Jaune is chewing, tasting or smelling a substance allows a him to biochemically test it for toxicity and nutritional content, essentially determining if the substance is edible or poisonous. Mucranoid responds to specific chemical stimuli in the environment, causing Jaune to secrete a waxy protein substance similar to mucus through his pores that seals his skin and the process can even protect him from the harshness of the vacuum and other extremes of temperature, particularly deeply frigid environments. Betcher's gland transform Jaune's saliva into a corrosive, blinding acid when consciously triggered. This allows him to spit a wad of corrosive acid with the effect of blinding, wounding or even killing an enemy outright. Progenoid glands hormonally respond to the presence of the other gene-seed implants in the body by creating germ cells with DNA identical to that of those implants through a process very similar to cellular mitosis. These germ cells grow and are stored in the Progenoid organs, much like sperm cells or egg cells are stored in the testes and ovaries of normal men and women. The black carapace
allow Jaune to directly interface his central nervous system with his Power Armour's cybernetic systems, controlling it like his own body.
The Emperor tested Jaune in his mind with the spawning orks. He was impressed, how Jaune quickly made a progress in his sword art, so he spawned him a bolt pistol. The pistol is .998 calibre, that allows him to shoot self propelled bullets in the size of soda can, that explodes after piercing it's target. At first, Jaune was missing his target, because he never shooting the pistol before, but quickly make a progress after his father's lessons. The Emperor was feeling great, he show Jaune the love, which never was shown to the others primarchs and Jaune loves his new dad. The Emperor was a wise person and he blame only himself for Horus's heresy, but Jaune reassure him, that was not his fault, but chaos. After a year of training, The Emperor felt, that his time has comed.

"Son, my time has comed, i am dying and i make my last wish, i give you my power, bear it well, farewell my son. Be safe"

"Yes, father, your death is not going to be forgotten, you will be remembered like a man, that lead humanity into his age, i will not forget what you have done to me, goodbye, father".

Jaune saw that his father's figure was fading away and he started to waking up in the secret place, where Emperor placed his unconscious body.

(This chapter is more like a Wikipedia, but it meant to be like this, so you can understand Jaune's physical power better)

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