Chapter nine - phase 2

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"This is Alpha 9521, we reached the location"

Informed alpha ranger of the adeptus mechanicus, this scitarii are specialized in scouting, assassinating, finding a clear path to the primary force, they are armed with the galvanic rifles, their bullets have a micro servitors, that lead the bullet into the weak part of the armor. Alpha 9521 is serving the machine God for one hundred fifteen years, he is veteran of many battles and having a lot of experience on the field. He's squad are near the burned mountain Glenn, scouting the area. He received a vox transmission of Magos.

"Copy that Alpha 9521, any resistance ?"

Denli questioned.

"Negative, but my thermal sensors are reading a contact, four unauthorized personal"

He said watching through the bushes at four definitely humans, or human shaped grimm. He heard a Denli order:

"Investigate, identify them, if they are hostile, we are going to begin phase 1, if they are not hostile, do something to keep them off of mountain, Magos out"

Denli point to this signatures, and tells his squadmates, through the noosphere, their orders. They are moving silently, going between trees and bushes, theirs optics are reading, that  the signatures is stopped, they are hiding behind something and it appears, that one of them has a binoculars. They are reached to the seeing distance and Alpha begins to gather intel.

"Team RWBY of the Beacon Academy, members: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao long, Weiss Schnee and Blake Beladonna, race: three humans and one faunus, their destination near the mountain Glenn are unknown"

Sends this message to the Magos. They received an answer:

"Knock them out and use amnesiac, noone should know about this"


He ordered two rangers of his team to take position behind them, in the bushes. They prapared their stun grenades, then after quick order, they launched them at girls. They heard a yell, that belonged to Blake Beladonna, she must heard the sound of grenade dropping:

"Grenade !!"

The grenade produced a large flash, that blinds them. In the time, when they are distracted and blinded, the scitarii quickly runs to them and knocked them out with the butt of their rifles. Alpha pulled out the syringe of the amnesiac and stuck the Weiss body with it, other ranger done this too, but with the other girls. Alpha picked up the Ruby's scroll and behind to change their mission.

"This is Alpha 9521, targets downed"

"Good job, start the phase 2"

"Got it, *switched to the moon drop station* phase 2, i repeat, phase 2"

"Deploying turrets"

Alpha saw a drop pods, in the sky, heading to the ground. Inside of them, are the turrets, the heavy bolter turrets "tarantula"

 Inside of them, are the turrets, the heavy bolter turrets "tarantula"

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And AA turrets

They are making the perimeter for the safe capture of the mountain Glenn, no-one would reach the city, not impaled with the hundred of bolts and rockets, Alpha and his squad arr moving to the rendevu point, where is their Valkyrie is located, that...

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They are making the perimeter for the safe capture of the mountain Glenn, no-one would reach the city, not impaled with the hundred of bolts and rockets, Alpha and his squad arr moving to the rendevu point, where is their Valkyrie is located, that transports them to base, Phase 2 is completed.

(Very, very short chapter... But i am kinda tired after making a new chapter to my other story, i hope that's okay)

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