Chapter thirteen - the Remnant reaction (rewrite)

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The news, about mysterious faction, that saved Vale and Beacon Academy spread around the Remnant. Some feared this gigantic soldiers, but most of the Vale population are glad, that they came on the rescue. Team RWBY was happy that Jaune is ok, but saddened, because of Ozpin's death in the fight. Glynda Goodwitch became the new headmaster of the Beacon Academy. Team RWBY are currently, sitting in their dorm room and talking.

"Girls, i can't believe that, Jaune is okay"

Ruby said happy. The other team members was happy too.

"He is also, giant too and he is leading other giants"

Blake said.

"The one in the black armor, with the skull mask, are reffer him as the "primarch", Weiss is this Atlas soldiers ?"

Questioned Yang. The Weiss thinks about a moment, then answered:

"No, it is impossible to train, arm and keep this soldiers in secret"

Blake didn't hear this dialogue, her thoughts are filled with questions. She have a feeling, after Jaune's soldiers killed white fang. Did they do this by themselves, or did Jaune ordered it ? Blake didn't know, but she will demand answers from Jaune.
This is really strange. Jaune Arc is leading unknown group of soldiers, he is ten feet tall, wielding a sword, that sparks energy and double barreled gun. He and his soldiers are moving very fast, with the amount of armor on them and much more dangerous then any AK. RWBY talked about this to NPR, they were shocked by the reveal. Pyrrha states, that the squad of this soldiers saved her from Cinder Fall on the Ozpin's tower. They talked about this with Glynda, she said that all they need to do is wait.


Atlas council decided to find the strange soldiers and trade with them. They asked James to launch a search parties to find them, what he said is shocked them:

"I refuse"

"Why ?! Have you thought about any advantages with this weapons ? We will crash the grimm and the white fang with ease"

Council tried to reason with him. But he anserwed:

"I will not do this, this people saved Vale and i cannot order my forces to find them, if they want to be found, the will reveal themselves, so i refuse"

Many council members are agreed with him, so Atlas is have to wait.

*White fang*

Many white fang members, after hearing about the alliance between Adam Taurus and Jaune Arc, many turned their backs against this alliance. Adam Taurus have loyalists on his side, while betrayers started to serve the Liutenant, who cannot believe of Adam's stupidity. He is currently at his new headquarters, furious, that the plan didn't work. The humans still have the city and white fang betrayers lost their chance to destroy it. He don't have a thoughts, that anyone try to kill him, he thinks that he is unbeatable. But this won't last longer.

*On the tree, near the white fang betrayers headquarters*

On the tree, odd looking figure is sitting on the tree branch, holding a strange weapon. He has a target and he will kill it, no matter what. He aimed at the Liutenant through the scope and said:

"Ave Omnissiah"

He shot him in his head, killing him instantly. The alarms on the headquarters are started to ringing and the figure thought, that this is the time for him to get out of there, he jumped down from the tree, revealing his body.

 The alarms on the headquarters are started to ringing and the figure thought, that this is the time for him to get out of there, he jumped down from the tree, revealing his body

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He started to sprint, towards the Solis, because his mission is done, just as Jaune planned.

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