Chapter eighteen - History and Discovery

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Jaune was speechless. Just in front to him, was twelve foot tall, crimson individual. Jaune recognised him, it's his brother - Magnus the Red

 Jaune recognised him, it's his brother - Magnus the Red

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that had betrayed the Imperium of mankind. Young primarch unsheathed his sword and aimed his storm bolter at the crimson giant's face, prepared for attack. But Magnus didn't attacked, he backed away, and said:

"I mean you no harm"

Jaune hadn't flinched, and parried:

"But you are a traitor"

He said with venom in his voice. Magnus however, didn't prepared for this, it has to be a simple task, now he was treated with hostility. He can't blame him though, he DID betray his father and his brothers, but rehabilitated after learning about Tzeentch's manipulations. He raised his hands in the air and asked:

"Maybe we should use diplomatic, please ?"

"Silence! What are you doing here, trying to kill me? Or is there invasion force of your thousand sons ?"

Jaune asked eyeing crimson king, that still has raised hands. Magnus, tried to explain:

"No! I'm not here to kill you, or invade this planet, there is no-one except me and my companion"

Jaune glanced at 'companion' and grew more troubled. This person is indeed custodes, but has silver parts of armor and one of Magnus's feather, sticking out of his armor.

 This person is indeed custodes, but has silver parts of armor and one of Magnus's feather, sticking out of his armor

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Strange custodes begged:

"Please, just... Let him explain"

Jaune was in thoughts. Magnus didn't have reasons to hold back, if he did want to, he would done so. Then this custodes, custodes are the most loyal servants of the Emperor, so that means one thing.

"Alright... But you have to explain clearly, and pray that this explanation will be good."

*Five minutes later*

They are now sitting before his desk. Jaune runs his hand through his hair and said:


Magnus started to explain:

"Well... As you know, i betrayed the Imperium, but i changed, I don't want to have anything with chaos gods now."

"And who exactly accepted you? As far as i know, Imperium will just kill you in sight, if you show up."

Asked Jaune in confusion. However, Magnus has an answer:

"It was not the high lord, or any other man, that Father himself gave me the second chance."

Jaune didn't believed in this.

"Magnus, incase you didn't know, Father is dead... He died in front of me"

"That's not true, he is alive. His golden throne was upgraded with text to speech device, so je can talk again"

Jaune was still unconvinced. He saw his Father fading away. He saw his death, then how are he alive ?!

"He died, right in front of me"

He said. Kitten joined the conversation and said:

"The lord's mind was shrouded, after the Horus heresy, maybe you encounter one of his mind's fragments."

That's... Sounds logical. Jaune was beyond happy, his Father is alive! And apparently, returning the Imperium to its glory. He asked people before him:

"Ok, i guess that you are truthful... What's your story ?"

"I don't know where to start..."

Muttered Magnus, but was saved by Kitten.

"After Magnus learnt from his mistakes, he rejoinded the Imperium once more. Lord's opinion on him wasn't exactly... Good, they were fighting for something all the time. Magnus decided to broke Lord's pride and, after taking me, went to adventure. During the adventure, we accidentally saved Imperium by killing imposters of high lords, accidentally 'killed' Vulkan with one of his artefacts, found Corvus Corax in this artefact, infiltrated Mars to find another artifact, that keeps Fabricator-general alive. Vulkan and Corax are now in the Imperial palace. Also, Magnus had sent most part of Inquisition into the warp, where they found Leman Russ. They escaped the warp and entered the Commoragh, where they founded Jaghatai Khah. Together they were fighting in the arena for weeks, before getting rescued by the Ultramarines, that has been ordered to find Khan. I don't know how they did it though, but hey, almost all inquisition agents died, except Fyodor Karamazov and some tempestus. After they were escorted to the Imperial palace, and nearly getting a fight between possesses Karamazov with star shild, we used this artifact, that we found i found on Mars to eake Lion up. So far, we rescued all loyal primarchs. As for Guilliman... Father didn't wanted to tell him, that his brothers is alive, so when Roboute Guilliman haves audition with the Emperor, i was kept my caretaker duty, while others just enjoying prometium pools. Father wanted to see, if Ultramarines prove themselves in the new crusade. Me and Magnus were telled to find you and second lost primarch".

Ended Kitten. This story is... Unbelievable, but Jaune knew that this is true. Custodes can't lie. Wait... Other ?

"Other lost primarch? Did you found him as well?"

Asked Jaune. Magnus and Kitten glanced at each other, then Magnus said:

"I believe so, we know that he is here, on this planet with you. I sense his presence, right there"

He pointed his finger with sharp fingernails at the wall. This direction is... Oh no!

"I know where he is."

Jaune said with determination. Kitten gotten up and asked:


"The most prestige academy on the planet. Beacon".

He said and went to the hangars for thunderhawk. He is going to pay his former friend a little 'visit' but nor them, but for chances to find lost primarch of XI legion. Question still stands... Who might he be?

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