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~Warning,self harm & Anorexia!~

The sunshine broke through my old curtains. I could immediately smell old blood from last night. Before I could smile a bit sadness over took my weak body causing me to tear up. I got myself our of my small old bed and to my bare drawers to find something to wear. I was so cold because I was so thin. I could see the doodles on my arm. I wish I could just wash them off and forget they ever fucking existed. Soulmates aren't real. Well at least that's what I told myself. It was a exuse for the universe to fuck with our heads and drive us insane. I Swiftly put on a nice shirt and jeans, I put a over sized hoodie on to hide myself. I grabbed my overused backpack and slumped it on my shoulder. I had to get myself out of the house before dad saw me. I couldn't let him see me. No way in hell
use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.
"the judge abused his power by imposing the fines"
2. treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.
"riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted"

My dad was a full on abuser because he lost his "soulmate" My mother. It was was even his fault. Now all the doodles that had been drawn are now ever lasting scars. There is even a gallow in red ink in his arm to remind him. It's your fault she's dead. It's your fault that she had committed suicide.


You don't even know who I am

How Foolish of me...

Well my name is Ethan Nestor darling. I'm proudly from Maine and I'm 18 years old. I moved from Maine to Ohio 3 years ago due to my mother's death drove my father out of the state. I just want to be home and away from that drunk. Ever since my mother's death my dad has never recovered from that mental breakdown that happens when you lose your soulmate. He refused to help himself. He used Alcohol as a comping mechanism. And using me as a fucking punching bag.

I saw my glasses on the counter and grabbed them quickly. I always had contacts but I put them in at school and take them off. The fucko would probably but acid or vinegar in the contact holders. I swiftly ran out of the house and off to school.
"Another one got the Hanahaki disease" Sean sighed. The disease was rare but happened to everyone if your unlucky. "Poor girl's soulmate rejected her because he doesn't believe in it" We watched as they wheeled her on a stretcher to the ambulance. She was choking on blood and petals. What if I did that... No soulmates aren't fucking real! "Have you found yours? " I said looking away from the girl. "I'm trying". Around here a lot of soulmate ridden people are around. Thankfully my so called "soulmate" Is local. "What if they aren't local? " He freaked out. "You could tell by how strong or faded the ink looked" I pointed to a heart on his arm

"See how dark it is? That means they are local, and also a heart will show up on your wrist

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"See how dark it is? That means they are local, and also a heart will show up on your wrist. It will have a flag in there for your possible sexuality, but sometimes it isn't accurate but most of the time it is. " I told him. He weakly smiled. I looked down at mine

*look that's what I got alright*

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*look that's what I got alright*

I'm gay and asexual.... Huh. His was just bisexual. Eventually we split up to continue to out classes. I turned a corner and had noticed.... Oh no.... The jocks but it was only two of them. I sighed and started to walk towards them. Their conversation was about soulmates, who would have guessed.

"Yeah I'm dying to meet mine"

"Same, also what's your presumed sexuality?"

"Pansexual and Demisexual"

"Mines just flat out gay"

"Mine seems accurate, I'm not really sexually attracted to anyone and I actually liked that one non binary kid"

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this while I was home, if you break the soulmate thing, then really it doesn't matter you'll be given another. But there will be ever lasting scars and possible trauma. And you will most likely not be too happy with this person ecspecially if it's someone who. Also had a soulmate.

"Seriously? You should have asked them out!"

"Dude I'm trying to find my soulmate and they are aromatic with no soulmate"

"Damn you guys would have looked cute together"

(So many sexualities! ( ✧Д✧) )

Damn, more people who have their heads up in the clouds.... It's pretty sad. Then they noticed me walking past them. On cue the red haired on grabbed my backpack. "Fucking great" "Where are you going little one? " He teased. I rolled my eyes. "Social studies" "Your walking with us" He grinned. I sighed and looked down. "Fine" I mumbled. I'm already fucked over for the day. The red haired boy grabbed the handle on my bag. "Your walking with him" He pointed to the taller male besides him. He was tall with curly brown hair. He wore thin glasses with a gray beanie. His eyes were a stone cold blue that could make your fucking soul shiver. He wasn't tan but he wasn't pale He wore a dark grey Hoodie also with some jeans. The red haired guy was decently tan. He had to be Korean or some sort of nationality from that area. He wore black glasses and his red hair fell over his head. The undyed area was a jet black. His eyes were a cold brown. "Now listen to him or I swear to god-" He started to ramble until I interrupted him. "Why!? What the hell do you want from me!? " I screeched. I tried to get attention from the teachers but the red haired guy slammed his hand over my mouth. The tall guy tensed up when he did. "Shut it! " He hissed, venom practically dripping from those words. My confidence was drained immediately. Always like the time my dad would threaten me, then hurt me obviously. "Mark clam down" The tall one said extremely coldly. I shivered a bit. Was it really that chilly in the school or was his fucking voice that cold. "Why!? ". His immediately smug face softened in some fear. Then the tall one looked at me. " I'm sorry about this but you have to kept under watch". "Why!? I've done nothing!! " I yelled ripping away. I quickly ran off to next period.

My voice was shaky every time I spoke because the tall guy was in my class. His eyes burned... Well froze through me I guess. He was staring at me. I wanted to slam him in the head and forget I ever fucking existed. Eventually I attempted to escape but call of the fucking Lord of the underworld I had to deal with the "worse" jocks. Or whatever the fuck. They were narcissistic and fucked and threw away all their boyfriends and girlfriends. Now boyfriends? Are they gay? Nope. Now before you don't believe me...yes, not all girls are weak pathetic sluts. There are 2 boys and 2 girls. They were extremely mean and cold and will kill you and can haunt your entire school career with hell. Also very good manipulators The boys were just cruel hurt everyone. Both of course we're sportsmen. Isn't that suprising? In this school, at least everyone has done sports. No I mean teams. Ok I'm getting off topic. The tall blonde boy stood in front of me. His name was Kyle. His brown eyes stared into my blank emerald eyes. Drained of all happiness and hope, now replaced with nothing but sadness and, blankness? Fuck, getting off topic again. He attempted to slap my books but I moved them. Fucking idiot. "Where do you think your going? " He grinned. "Up your ass and around the corner. " I walked away, at least I tried to. He grabbed that retarded handle on my backpack swiftly ripping me backwards. I held onto my stuff for dear life. Man I needed to get rid of it. "What did you say? " He hissed. I stayed silent. I was a deer in headlights now. Fuck. I immediately tried to run but failed.

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